DOB: 3-23
Gender: girl
Location: South Hadley
Sexual Orientation: straight duh!
Hair: starwberry blonde
Eyes: blueish
Height: 5'4 i think?
Religion: catholic
Nationality: irish and i think english
Music: rap and rock
Band: blink 182
Song: Just a lil' bit - 50 Cent
Album:. 50 cent, the valentines day massacre
Singer: 50 cent who else?
Soundtrack: i have no clue
TV Show: real world and real world/road rules inferno 2.
Movie: Pearl Harbor and Darkness Falls
Game: truth or dare most diffenitly!
Actor: umm i dont no
Actress: no clue
Food: mickey d's :]
Drink: sherlie temple and diet coke
Quote: "heyy yall"
Person at EoFF: what does this mean?...
What you want your kids' names to be.
Boys: Ryan or Brian
Girls: Ashley or Heather
3 Things You Love About Your Body:
1. eyes
2. my hair i guess
3. idk..
3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
1. my LEGS!
2. hands
3. feet, there to BIG ugh!
3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
1. kimd
2. dumb
3. i know how to laugh alot!
3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
1. i didn't talk behind peoples backs :/
2. smartness
3. i hve no idea
3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
1. sick nasty house
3. awesome vacations with the friends and family
3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
1. get killed by a random person
2. get stolen
3. get molisted hahahaha
3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
1. have a hot husband
2. have hot kids
3. be a rich hot family
Do you like candles?: yes, but some are nasty
Do you like incense?: yeah those are cool, even though a barely use them.
Do you like the taste of blood?: i dont think so? do i?
Biggest turn on?: hottness, kindness, personality.
If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?: i think 50 Cent, cuz he is a total hottie!
What song is stuck in your head right now?: im a hustla
Do you like stuffed animals?: some
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: i have no idea
Person you wish you could be with right now?: well i know,but i dont wanna say :]
What do you want done with your body when you die: buried.
Do you believe in love?: yes
Do you believe in soulmates?: hell yeah
Do you believe in Love at first sight?: i think so
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes, inless i go to hell
Do you believe in Hell?: yes, i might be going there sometime
Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: jesus
In the past 24 hours, have you:
Flashed someone? no .
Mooned someone? why would i?;\
Tried to kill yourself? no, im not that depressed.
Tried to kill someone else? well no .
Told someone you hated them?: no, well maybe i don't no, might have said it to Brian, but i was jk of course:)
Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nope when i say it i mean it.
Taken a shower?: yepp
Hugged someone?: yepp NICOLE!
Kissed someone?: not in the 24 hour spand
Had sex?: no.
Been drunk?:maybe on sugar
Been high?: no,dad would kill me
Been in a fight?: nope..wait does punching someone without meaning count?
Sang?: yeah i sing all the time ((not very well though))
Danced?: yes last night with nicole
Made someone laugh?: yeppp NICOLE
Has someone else made you laugh: yepp Brian, Brenden and Nicole
Wished on a star?: no im a big kid now
Fantasized about someone?: Yes and in many ways
Would you rather....:
Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?: beach getting a tan:)
later thanxs for stoping by