Octavian/Julius (OMC). 011. Watermelon and 012. Gummy Bear(s)*

Feb 09, 2008 16:09

Title: Anguria
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius (OMC)
Disclaimer: Don’t own anyone but the OC characters
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 011. Watermelon
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250
Author’s Notes: This isn’t historically accurate at all.

“Master Octavian, are you sure this all right?” asked Julius as they snuck out of the palace.

“Yes, Father knows where we are going,” replied Octavian.

Julius looked behind him. “But if Darius finds out, he’ll tan me.”

Octavian pulled Julius to him. “I will not allow it.”

Julius had recently been placed into the care of Caesar. His family, distant relations to the General, asked if Julius could work off a debt. Caesar agreed, although he was reluctant to do so. Julius had been assigned to work under Darius, the main housekeeper. Darius was very harsh on the boy. Octavian didn’t like it and tried to keep Julius with him.

“That’s very nice of you, Master, but Darius does what he wants.”

“I have told you to call me Octavian.”

“I could never!”

Octavian laughed. “Come along.”

The two boys walked for a few minutes more. They came to the growing fields. Octavian led Julius down the first path.

“Here,” he said.

Julius’ eyes widened as he saw the fruit. “It’s so big! What is it?”

“Watermelon. Father found some in Gaul and brought them back.” Octavian grabbed one and took out his knife. He carved the fruit up and gave a piece to Julius.

Julius took a bite and moaned. “This is so good.”

Octavian leaned forward and brushed his mouth against Julius’. Julius started back in surprise. “Master?”

Octavian looked at him fondly. “Don’t worry about it.”

Julius scowled and stood on tiptoe to kiss Octavian back.

Title: gommoso orso
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius (OMC)
Disclaimer: Don’t own anyone but the OC characters
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 012. Gummy Bear(s)*
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 165
Author’s Notes: This isn’t historically accurate at all.

Julius was not impressed by what Octavian had given him. “I don’t even know what these are Master,” said the boy.

“It is Octavian. And I do not know what they are either, but they are quite good,” replied Octavian.

“Perhaps, but I’m not eating them.” Julius turned his head away from the…things.

“Julius,” Octavian sighed. “How do you know if they are good or not? You have not even tried them.”

“It doesn’t matter. Food shouldn’t be funny colors or look like animals.”

“That is not the point.”

“Then what is?”

“You should just try them. They taste delicious.”

Julius glared at Octavian and grabbed one. He stuck it in his mouth and chewed. He swallowed and said, “It’s chewy! Food shouldn’t be chewy! And what flavor is that?”

“So you did not like it.”

Julius looked at him. “No, I didn’t like it.”

“Hmm.” Octavian ate one and then kissed Julius. “And now?”

“Only if you eat them,” he whispered and leaned in.

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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