FIC: Vino. 015. Wine*. Octavian/Julius (OC).

Feb 13, 2008 20:24

Title: Vino
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius (OC)
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but the OCs
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 015. Wine*
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of MPREG
Word Count: 239
Author’s Notes: Not historically accurate.

Julius looked longingly at a glass of wine. It looked and smelled so good. Next to him Brutus smiled.

“I know how you feel, Julius. I too wish to have a sip of the wine, but I fear my husband would not be happy,” he said to the young boy.

“But I’m not even pregnant yet!” cried Julius.

“Now, now, Julius. You know the healers do not want anything in your body that might harm the baby or prevent you from becoming pregnant.”


Brutus laughed.

“And why are you so happy, my dear?” asked Caesar. He had come in from a meeting. “I am sorry that I am late.” He leaned down and kissed Brutus.

“That is fine. I am happy because Julius is a silly boy,” replied Brutus.

“That he is,” said Octavian coming in behind his father.

“Octavian!” Julius pouted.

“What is this all about?” asked Octavian as he sat next to Julius.

“Yes, I would like to know as well,” said Caesar. He placed himself next to Brutus.

“Julius was looking at the wine. We were just commiserating over the fact we could not have any,” stated Brutus.

“I see. Well, Octavian I believe that if our others can not have wine, we should not either.”

“I agree Father.”

Caesar called for the wine to be taken away. Julius leaned against Octavian.

“You didn’t have to do that,” he said.

“I know.” Octavian kissed Julius.

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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