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Blimey Dingy
[profile layout] quick nav:
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Step-by-Step Installation |
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How To Credit details & previews
RESOLUTION: good for any resolutionTESTED BROWSERS: Tested on FireFox 2 and Internet Explorer 7ACCOUNT TYPE: ANYCoding type: TableIMAGE PREVIEW:Top:
FireFox &
Internet Explorer 7 || Bottom:
FireFox 2 &
Internet Explorer 7LIVE PREVIEWS: Top:
User profile page || Bottom:
User profile page images
All images are uploaded to Imageshack and GooglePages. You may save the images and upload them to your own server if you wish. I can not guarantee that the images will stay up forever on that server, so it is recommended that you upload them to your photobucket/imageshack/whatever account to make sure that they don't go down.
Top Version:
black_user.gif Bottom Version:
blackgrungepatterniz2.png ,
black_user.gif installation howto
(installing the
userinfo's bio)
1. Go to
Edit Profile.
2. Scroll down to the 'Bio' section.
3. Paste the
profile code of your choice into the text box.
4. Edit the necessary sections (replace the titles with your own, USERNAME with your username, the fake latin with your profile text, links with your links, credits with your credits, etc)
5. Once finished, scroll down and click Save Changes.
copy and paste:
http://oh.goshhh.googlepages.com/blackestgrungepattern.png" width="550" align="justify">USERNAME |
http://oh.goshhh.googlepages.com/blackerplusgrungepattern.png" align="justify">LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK |
http://oh.goshhh.googlepages.com/blackergrungepattern.png" width="550" align="justify"> |
http://oh.goshhh.googlepages.com/blackgrungepattern.png" width="550">TITLE ONE http://29freebies.googlepages.com/black_user.gif"> http://USERNAME.livejournal.com">USERNAME Zzril minim ut elit, facilisi dolore velit nostrud accumsan, dolor veniam nostrud vulputate ea erat praesent duis exerci. Consequat nibh at feugiat ullamcorper, ullamcorper dignissim vulputate iusto suscipit consequat duis enim molestie ea qui. Luptatum molestie accumsan vero, ut ut, vulputate nonummy blandit, ipsum veniam. Aqauil. TITLE TWOZzril et augue. Duis. Ex Blandit. Eros In Consequat. Esse Esse. Eulla. Euismod Delenit. Commodo Lobortis. Exerci Te Quis. Nostrud Dignissim Wisi. Augue At Et Dolor. Nulla Duscipit Qriure. Weniam. Wsse Fuis. Autem. |
http://oh.goshhh.googlepages.com/blackergrungepattern.png" width="550" cellpadding="5" align="center">MOAR LYNX: LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK http://twentynine_.livejournal.com">PROFILE LAYOUT |
copy and paste:
http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1775/blackergrungepatternst1.png" cellspacing="15" cellpadding="10">http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7905/blackgrungepatterniz2.png" width="390" valign="top">TITLE ONE http://29freebies.googlepages.com/black_user.gif"> http://USERNAME.livejournal.com">USERNAME Exerci vel feugait sed exerci velit enim duis vero tation quis accumsan eu quis velit molestie. Qui iusto suscipit duis autem dolor, aliquip nostrud delenit vel. Erat dolore qui nulla et accumsan duis aliquam iriure consequat zzril ut, odio autem veniam delenit, praesent exerci, ut praesent laoreet facilisis vel velit. TITLE TWONulla aliquip lorem wisi blandit luptatum, ut vulputate commodo nostrud ut nisl ullamcorper et accumsan te wisi consequat amet. Eros esse augue ad diam vel suscipit minim ex nisl odio dolor. Praesent eros, eum, dolor iusto, illum ex nostrud tincidunt, in luptatum exerci te augue in in minim iusto sit. |
http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7905/blackgrungepatterniz2.png" width="80" valign="top">LINKS TITLE LINK ONE LINK TWO LINK THREE LINK FOUR
CREDITS http://twentynine_.livejournal.com" target="_blank">PROFILE LAYOUT |
layout credits
Background pattern is from shizoo.frozen-media.de. Tiny icons are by me, twentynine_.
Credit is already included both of these profile layouts. You can, however, delete that for more links and copy and paste this into your userinfo's BIO section if you wish:
I added a link for you to add credit for you main layout too!
Feel free to comment with any questions!
(These are TWO profile layouts, by the way. I just sucked at making the preview look better.)