Dec 22, 2004 12:17


Name: Elyse
Age: 17
Location: MA
Sex: f
Relationship Status: single
Grade: 12th


Actor/Actress: chad michael murray/kate hudson
Movie: mean girls
Music Genre: rb/hip hop/rap
TV Show: ER/real world/laguna beach
Singer/Band: ludacris and usher
Store: abercrombie/hollister
Thing about opposite sex: everything :P
Color: pink
Accessory: purses
Artical of Clothing: hollister destroyed jeans w/ hearts on them

Say a couple sentances worth of bad things about these people:
Britney Spears: keep your life private, no one cares if you got married in vegas or w/e..seriously, no one cares
Paris Hilton: ok, so shes rich but shes taken the whole “rich girl” thing too far..i saw a picture of her wearing ashirt w/ her face on it :/
Pamela Anderson: uhh don’t really know anything about her..she has fake boobs? haha
Nick Carter: umm that’s aaron carter’s brother from nsync, right? Well I haven’t heard anything about him since nsync but nsync was good back then haha
Jay-z: don’t really know anything about him either..
Kanye West: love kanye..espacially work out plan, so I don’t have much bad to say about him

Your Views on: [ Be honest , write more than 5 words ! ]
Eating Disorders: they’re soo dangerous and I know so many people who have had eating disorders that I know enough to never stare myself or anything, but they can be brought on by pressure from todays world..not good
Drugs/Drinking: im not into drugs at all, a lot of peopeli know do drugs and get messed up so its just smarter not to do drugs, but im not gonna lie and say I haven’t drank a few times at a party…drinking is also stupid but if you’re in control I don’t think it’s the worst thing you can do
Gay marriages/relationships: im glad that MA made gay marriage legal..i don’t know anyone who’s gay or a lesbian but I think they should have the same rights as everyone else and not be treated differently
Abortion: I feel that it completely depends on the situation. I don’t think its right to kill an unborn child but if for example the child had no chance of being born alive due to complications or something and if the mother were in jeopardy also then it may be ok..i don’t know..its hard to explain
Plastic Surgery: if you want to sure but you’ll never see me doing that. Like yourself for who you don’t need ot change to fit a certain image
Teenage Pregnancy: can really screw up your life. You can be a good student on the right path in life then get pregnant and screw everything up, or you can be a teen who’s only goal in life is to have a baby and I guess it depends on the situation again.

Get the Camera
3 Pictures total : 1 body shot , 1 CLEAR face shot , 1 free choice NO NUDITY .:

Im the one in the red dress

Again the red dress..

Clearly im the one in the orange shirt :P
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