The 2nd season is out - FINALLY!!!

Oct 13, 2010 19:48

I'm talking about Quantum german: Zurück in die Vergangenheit.
Sam Beckett and Al(bert) Callavicci finally after 4 years of waiting leap again in germany on DVD!
Boy, i dunno what took them so long to do it....really! Oh boy..;)

Well..but now it's here and i got it (of course) at the coming-out-date ^^, so i could watch it.
I watched the first season first...only 8 episodes, but a special and the intros to every episode by squee!!!
Now i hope the other seasons will come out sooner. Can't wait!!!

I'm back in the Quantum Leap-fandom and i'm surfing YouTube up and down for everything good. So i stumbled ober Mr & Mrs i already postet..;)

And now a link to one of the great songs from Quantum Leap.

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