So it occurred to me that before I start friending a bunch of people and joining communities, I should probably introduce myself here in case anyone wanders over to my journal and wonders who in the heck I am.
I'm one of those old school fans from way back. I started out in the Sentinel fandom, then in the Phantom Menace fandom (remember back before episodes 2 and 3 came out?), and then settled down in the X-Files fandom and hung out for several years writing fic, reading, reccing, and occasionally betaing from time to time. After Mulder left the X-Files I hung around the SG1 and Buffy fandoms for a while, but my interest in fandom had waned considerably by that point.
I'm not really hip to the livejournal fandom scene. (Yeah, I know, maybe we're transitioning away from livejournal, but whatever. It's new to me.) The last time I was truly active in fandom, we communicated via onelist, which became egroups, which became yahoogroups. By the time livejournal got big I was mostly out of fandom except reading the occasional fic and commenting anonymously because I didn't have a livejournal. I was writing original fiction and enjoying the heck out of it.
Three things happened that drew me back into fandom all at once. First, I saw the Star Trek film this past summer more times in theaters than I saw FotR and immediately fell in love with this whole new Star Trek universe to play around in. Second, I finally watched Merlin, which got me thinking actively about writing fic again. And third, I got caught up on Supernatural and fell head over heals in love with Castiel's plot arc this season. His relationship with the Winchesters is just so epic. It does things to me, people. Before I truly realized how much those three fandoms had gotten under my skin, I had a file of active fic on my computer again for the first time since the late 90's, and have been happily writing and reading fic again.
So, um. I guess I'm late to the party. I'm sure fandom has changed a lot since I was last active in it. But I've got a brand spanking new journal for all my fannish thoughts, a new fandom name (my old one really doesn't feel like me anymore), and a million ideas running around in my head.
Hi everyone!
(Rushes off to friend a million people.)