It was about archaeology!
Okay, so. I have a thing for archaeology. Perhaps saying, "I have a thing for archaeology," is not quite strong enough. I have two degrees in archaeology*, and I spent over a year working in the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum, where my main job was using my two degrees in archaeology to analyze human remains. One of my academic specialties is mummification. So, just for the record, this episode made me happy, happy, happy indeed.
Oh show, how are you so awesome?
But enough about how show pushed all of my archaeology buttons. Let's talk about how Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito are awesome and messed with Castle's head about the curse. Because of course Castle didn't believe in the curse. And of course, of course, they had to mess with him until he believed in it. (Let's just have one more shout out to the archaeology in this episode: A mummy's curse on my show? Awesome!) The three musketeers rigged the coffee maker to explode at him. Clearly, they are awesome.
Other things I loved: Ryan and Esposito being "cute" (Beckett's word) about which got to take credit for discovering a vital clue. Their BFF-ness is one of my favorite things on the show.
Martha being crazy as per usual was also quite appreciated. Actors are crazy and believe crazy superstitions. I'm glad that we have this fact out in the open now.
The dead woman hidden as an ancient mummy was a fun twist. I don't watch the show for the plot twists, but I thought this particular one was fun.
Shout out to random actor: I totally enjoyed
Erick Avari wandering in because I am totally used to him from Stargate and the Mummy and Heroes and about a million other things. I feel like he has played probably every nationality by this point except maybe Icelandic. Also, thought: Is it wrong that when I heard the character's name Cacaw Te, I imediately thought of Chakotay from Voyager? Because I totally had flashbacks to Voyager; I'm just saying.
Overall, yay show! It brought me antiquities, the illegal antiquities trade (which is wrong, tell you friends), mummification, Ryan and Esposito being BFF's, Beckett messing with Castle, and a plot twist.
* Fun fact: What does someone with a BA and an MS in archaeology do in a recession? Work in retail! Yup yup yup. Not that there's anything wrong with that.