*howls* But I'm also cranky. I hate anything that seems to be trying to make women feel inadequate sexually. "The way you used to feel..." before you were audited by the IRS? Turned sixty? Partner developed halitosis? WTF.
But mostly I'm howling. It reminds me of a female friend who served in the military. They were told how to do everything, even showering. One fine day, they were ordered to "wash the genital area with a wash cloth for at least five minutes." My friend said, "But what if I don't want to stop then?"
Oh, but if you don't say pretty, "important"-sounding words like "botanical extracts" and "primrose," you know no soccer mom, i.e. women of the non-slut, non-Sex and the City variety, will ever go near it.
Have you looked at any of the ads on the website? I don't think they make me cranky as muh as foam at the mouth. I was quite happy when I saw the phrase "women's sexuality" written across the screen on American television, but OF COURSE it has to be in the context of not "set it loose", but rather "let's finally fix it!"
Comments 17
"topically applied..."
*can't breathe*
(The comment has been removed)
No need to thank me or Zestra for this great service to womanhood. The plehjure is all ours.
But mostly I'm howling. It reminds me of a female friend who served in the military. They were told how to do everything, even showering. One fine day, they were ordered to "wash the genital area with a wash cloth for at least five minutes." My friend said, "But what if I don't want to stop then?"
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