CAPSLOCK DOES NOT EXPRESS MY E-JOY AT FINALLY BEING BACK ONLINE FROM HOME! Wheeeeeee! *waves hello at all you lovely people* :D
Seriously - I have been bereft and feeling like an amputee since my trusty laptop took a nosedive what seems like months ago (mebbe two weeks?). She had to be sent to intensive care in town, then I finally got her back and my wireless router died. Okay that's cool - just go and buy another one, yes? Add three days before I can get to the store. No problem, I'm a patient sort of gal. Throw insanely busy work and extracurricular schedule into the mix, please, because having somewhere to be every. single. evening. for the last eight days isn't pushing it, is it? Being out of the office for meetings every. single. day. isn't pushing it, is it? Or the phone ringing off the hook when I do actually get behind my desk for a couple of hours? No, I'm a big girl now, I can handle it. *pretends to shrug nonchalantly* Besides, that's what they pay me the big bucks for, right? /sarcasm. But when I finally do get time to crawl around in my *ahem rather revoltingly dusty ahem * loft in 35C temps where I have the rest of my computer stuff only to have my dinosaur of a desktop that's there and essential to the set up die dead just about finished me off. Just got to laugh, haven't you? Sad to say, I think I need a new laptop. *le huge sigh*
I've missed you guys! *hugs*