Okay, now that people have had a chance to stake their claims, I'm going to go ahead and jump in with mine. Stargate: Atlantis - Sheppard/Beckett. I'm the second of three possible people on this claim. I'm also the lunatic doing this pairing at
fanfic100, so I have a few stories already done. (Where do you think I came up with some of these prompts? :)
1. Allergic Reaction
I Dyed in the Field2. Amputation
3. Broken Bone
4. Bruises
Black and Blue Balls
(Click on the image to go to the Stargate Fan Awards page)
5. Cancer
6. Cold/flu/fever
(Click on the image to go to the Stargate Fan Awards page)
7. Concussion
The Human Body VI: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 8. Crushing Injury
9. Drowning
10. Electric Shock
A Heart Stopping Moment11. Frostbite/hypothermia
12. Heat exhaustion/stroke
13. Infection
14. Minor annoyances - minor puncture
The Human Body IV: Getting Into Your Genes 15. Neurological disorder - epilepsy, spinal cord
damage, stroke, migraines,
clinical depression...
16. Puncture/Laceration - bullet wounds,
stabbing, impalement
17. Psychological trauma
18. Sensory loss/impairment
19. Skin disorders - boils, pox, rash, poison ivy...
20. Sleep disorders - sleep dep, narcolepsy,
jet lag, snoring
The Human Body IX: Delete 21. Sprained or Strained muscle
22. Surgery (routine) - tonsils, appendix,
plastic surgery
23. Writer's Choice
Down from the Pits (Poisoning)
24. Writer's Choice
Stoned by the Villagers (Intoxication)
Regarding the stories prefaced with "The Human Body": The Human Body is a series of stories I'm writing that ties in with the various episodes of seasons 2 and 3 of the series. Some are hurt/comfort, some aren't. If you're interested in the rest of the series, they can all be found at my writing journal
smallwaldo. If you go to
the post for part ten, there's a list of all the parts I've done with links.