Wooo I am broke and I need monies. I offer you guys some of my goodness [lolthatsoundswrong].
Lol bad pictures. *shoots camera*
This is a November/December calendar page. Ahhh let's say $6 since it's big and nice and purdy.
Ah, this is Kohta's ESP promo poster.. $10.
AND THEN MY CAMERA DIED D8 So I took pictures of this with my phone. Don't laugh.
Barairo no Sekai single + DVD
Opened it, watched it once, end of story. I tend to preserve my singles ;x
Neither the CD or the DVD have any marks or laser scratches, it looks like mint condition. $15. And the cover is supposed to look like broken glass, it's not actually cracked. Lolololol.
Dir en Grey - Six Ugly
Received as present. Don't really want it ;x
This is STILL IN SHRINK WRAP. Never opened. This is a $55 CD. I really want $50 for it but $45 will do. [Person who got it for me paid way too much, I'll accept $20 for it.]
If you think my prices are too crazy, you can try to haggle me. But beware, someone else may be fine with the price as it is.
Shipping is like..$5. Yes. And I prefer PayPal, though I will accept well-concealed cash/check/money orders if needed.
Discounts may be available for multiple item orderage.
Thank youuu 8].
Ps- any questions, e-mail kohtagasm@gmail.com 8]