*Kim's house, had a lot of fun. Thanks babe, I love you. I'm really gonna miss you while you're in Chile. Screw some hot Chilain guys for me
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I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH YOU STEHP, its had been a while since we had huing out and im glad we got to and im gonna miss you like you have no idea hun, ill def call you so u betta be expecting some calls :) ilu and heck yes i had you all on your own, first convinced you to go to the pool byourself THEN conficed you to take the SCAT by YOURSELF! :-D ILU
*I'm so proud of you riding the SCAT bus all alone. I wish I could get up the courage to ride the city bus, but I'm afraid another homeless person will hug me and tell me that I "intrigue" him. Oh yes, the city bus is out for me.
*I miss Shawn. Tell the cute vixen boy that I miss him.
*What are these job places you are looking into? The Holly needs more details. Have you filled out the applications?
*Who is this Vanessa and when did you become bi? Is everyone gay? I'm just kidding! I know you're not gay. We both crave straight penis too much!
*Oh my chocolate chip pancakes and human-like robots. . .that song makes me feel so bad. I miss my Daniel:( *Tear!
*I really wanted this job in South Gate Mall at this like furniture like home stuff store called Restoration Hardware and they seemed really interested in hiring me and all. I'd be doing stock work in the back but that's cool. A job's a job and I'd get to be in the mall all the time. That means Barney's coffee everyday :)
*Vanessa played my husband's (Duran's) wife, you know the mayors wife. And no not bi or gay, but for her I would be. It's one of the few females like Angelina Jolie or Sandra Bullock. But don't worry, I'm still all up for suckin de cock!
*Who do you think I was thinking about??? I hate our guys. Well your guy, my guy is completely out of my life forever. *BIG TEAR
i just wanted to tell you, you have been so awesome this yr and we have had so much fun
im going to miss seeing you everyday and watching you grow so much over the next few yrs. i really think that your going to be amazing and that booker is going to do so much for you
...im so deep haha, basically what im saying is kick some ass and be the best you can be! make me fuckin proud
I love you so much. All I want is for you to be happy, and I pray to God that you will be in California. I know you're gonna make 547240772075907 friends so I'm not worried about you there. You're such a social, positive, easy going, beautiful, loving, caring person and people are goona see that and love you
( ... )
i really need to start checking l.j more often. n e ways i missed you too yayyyyy!!! yayyy for booty calls and ugly men.......uhh i think im sooooo cool because im a "post comment" button and im what gets people to post ohh im soo hott!! BUONNNIROTTI EH MAYO AYA EKKO UGLA HOOOE CHCHLCHCLCHCLCLLLLLCCH.....CHLCH I LOVE YA GURL!!
Comments 20
and heck yes i had you all on your own, first convinced you to go to the pool byourself THEN conficed you to take the SCAT by YOURSELF!
OMH!!! You were so the one that encouraged me to be all independent. Hellz the fuck yeah!!!
*I miss Shawn. Tell the cute vixen boy that I miss him.
*What are these job places you are looking into? The Holly needs more details. Have you filled out the applications?
*Who is this Vanessa and when did you become bi? Is everyone gay? I'm just kidding! I know you're not gay. We both crave straight penis too much!
*Oh my chocolate chip pancakes and human-like robots. . .that song makes me feel so bad. I miss my Daniel:( *Tear!
*He misses you to.
*I really wanted this job in South Gate Mall at this like furniture like home stuff store called Restoration Hardware and they seemed really interested in hiring me and all. I'd be doing stock work in the back but that's cool. A job's a job and I'd get to be in the mall all the time. That means Barney's coffee everyday :)
*Vanessa played my husband's (Duran's) wife, you know the mayors wife. And no not bi or gay, but for her I would be. It's one of the few females like Angelina Jolie or Sandra Bullock. But don't worry, I'm still all up for suckin de cock!
*Who do you think I was thinking about??? I hate our guys. Well your guy, my guy is completely out of my life forever. *BIG TEAR
God Holly, you're such a big red penis. I just don't think I can deal with the kind of cock that you are. Sorry.
im going to miss seeing you everyday and watching you grow so much over the next few yrs.
i really think that your going to be amazing and that booker is going to do so much for you
...im so deep
haha, basically what im saying is kick some ass and be the best you can be!
make me fuckin proud
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