[This entry is mostly doodles - a badly rendered X-wing, a shaky
insignia of some sort. Some of it is just random scribbles. There's also a couple of stick figures. Finally, at the bottom of the page there's a line or two of writing in Aurubesh.]
I think I'm getting too routine.
Comments 12
[He'd seen insignia like that on some of the medals in his second dream. Here, Biggs, have yours traced over by a thicker line.]
And... I should tell you. I know my last name now.
[Hobbie doodles a little X-Wing zipping past underneath the insignia.]
You do? What is it?
If it gets too bad - come with me. I've started working with the griffins. They're violent, high maintenance, and rather slow flyers, but it's flight.
[The insignia's now getting turned into the Alliance Medal of Honor.]
Not where everyone can see it.
[The medal gets flame decals.]
This... [The pen taps on the insignia.] ...was on one of the fighters I saw.
And the writing just comes to me. It's a language. I can read it easily.
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