Name: Hustino
Are you over 16?: Aye
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el_hustinoEmail: hustino [at] gmail [dot] com
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Characters already in the game: Etna
Character name: Tsugumi Harudori
Fandom: Soul Eater
Timeline: Chapter 7 of Soul Eater Not!.
Age: 14
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: At the moment, the only power she has is the ability to transform her body into a halberd, a type of poleaxe. Being a novice, she is not very good at even the basics.
How would they use their abilities?: With her skills where they are, the best she can manage is to transform to allow someone else to wield her and this would likely only be in dire self defense.
Appearance: She's a young, petite Japanese girl with black hair and dark purple eyes. Her hair is about shoulderblade-length, but keeps it somewhat haphazard twintails. For clothes, she generally wears her Shibusen uniform: a short black skirt, black shirt, white ascot with a skull, and black shoes; she almost always wears a short skirt and short-sleeved short combination.
Tsugumi can transform herself (including her clothes, inexplicably) into a halberd (which her name is a pun on in Japanese), which is essentially a pole-arm combining an axe with a spear. In this form, she is a shiny metal gray color with a large white X-shape in the center of the spear and axe blade.
Background/Personality: Tsugumi, as she introduces herself, is a fourteen-year-old girl in love with love. Unlike all of the other characters from the main series, she is a much more ordinary and average girl: she is not the child of two powerful characters, she is not the descendant of a dark assassin guild, and she is most certainly not a god. In fact, she is the first person in her entire family history to exhibit Weapon characteristics and it's suggested Weapons and Meisters are not common where she is from. By all accounts, she is essentially an average teenage girl living a plain life fantasizing about falling in love until one day in her early teens she notices her body going through some strange and embarrassing changes.
I don't mean puberty, I mean that her body can turn into a poleaxe, which she frankly didn't really need on top of the whole 'puberty' thing but I digress.
Considering her family has no Weapon heritage or experience, Tsugumi enrolls in Shibusen. So, not only does this normal girl suddenly discover she has superpowers, but she is sent from her home in Japan to the United States (specifically Nevada, which makes everything more harrowing for some reason) to attend a world-famous school that trains students to protect the entire world. She, however, enrolls in the N.O.T. class, which simply trains Meisters and Weapons to control their powers so that they can live a normal life without endangering themselves or others--unlike the E.A.T. class (which the main cast is in) which serves to travel the world, killing murderers, Witches, and monsters.
Tsugumi is nervous, shy, and actually gets scared and concerned enough that she considers withdrawing from Shibusen. However, her two friends (Anya and Meme, who are both Meisters but are trying to share Tsugumi) as well as a new hero and role model (Maka Albarn) manages to give her the motivation and strength to do what she thinks is right, even if it's difficult: such as standing up to a couple of perverts trying to take advantage of Meme's obliviousness, deciding to stay in school, and trying to save Anya from a violent man despite not being able to fight.
Tsugumi is a simple, normal girl even taking into consideration the fact she can transform into a demon weapon. Despite getting surprised and becoming nervous easily, she wants to have the strength to do what's right and help out her friends, even if this goal is pretty mundane in comparison to the other heroes trying to prepare to rule the world (Death the Kid), become the strongest warrior (Black star), or defeat Witches and the God of Madness (Maka Albarn). She fantasizes about falling in love, not saving the world. Which is probably for the best, because that is turning out to be hard enough for her.
Have you read up on how the game works?: The app is the FlamingFerret and money can be acquired by taking jobs, going to school, or exchanging goods for services to other refugees, such as selling one's body to science.
1st person sample: [ I am Tsugumi Harudori, 14-years-old, in love with love, and WHAT IS THIS?! I don't know how to deal with space. Does ANYONE know how to deal with that?
...Besides astronauts? This is all way too much. ]
I'm sorry to be a bother to everyone, but can anyone help me? I think there's some sort of mistake. I don't think my world's been destroyed! I can barely do enough work to afford lunch, much less save up for a new planet. I'm...not sure what kind of help I'm looking for, to be honest. I am just very, very lost.
...Is there anyone here from Death City? Or...Shibusen? That would be really convenient, because I could really use a hero right now.
3rd person sample: It surprised Tsugumi just how similar the problems to adjusting to a giant space station was to adjusting to a new school. There were strange people you would not see elsewhere, there were new customs one would never see otherwise, there were many unique but nice people to meet, and, lastly, there were mean bullies.
She was surprised by that, considering life here seemed rough enough without being mean to other people. But, right in front of her, were a couple of people cornering a girl. It was pretty obvious they were creeps even before she could overhear the conversation, which basically involved belittling the girl and making gross comments. What should she do?
It had only been recently that she would have ignored the situation or outright run away; after all, she was a small girl, what could she do? But, now, she did not want to do that and she refused to. What should I do? After freezing for a moment, stuck between refusing to run away but too afraid to do anything, she finally thinks what would SHE do? The answer was pretty obvious to her, so, even though she was terrified, she spoke up in the strongest voice and sternest look she could muster.
"Hey, get away!"
Luckily, someone actually acknowledging the situation and calling them on it was enough for the two to not bother any longer and walk off in a huff. Once they were out of sight, Tsugumi let out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding, leaned against the wall, and panted. That had been really scary!
The girl that had been the target cautiously approached her and when Tsugumi made to say hello, the girl shouted "thank you!" and ran off, her face a deep, dark red. Tsugumi was a bit confused by the response, but was happy she managed to help someone. She was not hero material like Scythe Meister Maka Albarn, but she could still help people in her own way, limited it may be.
Questions?: Nope!
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Aye aye!