Jack was tired.
And full.
And really wanted nothing more than to sleep.
But first he had some letters to write...
To: general.j.oneill@usaf.gov
From: jackass@youhoo.com
Subject: paper work
yu suck. yu suck and yu suck and yusuck and yu arent; gettng your credit vard bak.
blow me.
the REAL jack o'neill.
"Stupid keyboards, can't take a hit, none of 'em."
To: pfcchef@usaf.gov
From: jack.oneill@fandomhigh.net
Subject: Re:hot fudge chicken
dont ever make me eatbthat again. i WILL hurt you. whoever said i liked it will be hels responsable for it,
no love.
"He thinks he's so funny. Stupid jack-ass thinks he's so smart just because he's a General."
To: bigbadhoodoodaddy@chocolatesexgod.com
From: jackkass2@youhoo.com
Subject: new email address?
hey teal;c buddy thanks for the new creift card,
you are a giant among migets./
With those letters out of the way he was free to sleep.
He contemplated lobbing a shoe at Marty just because.