Oct 15, 2005 02:34

Jack is just never gonna make a real post is he?

Okay. Here's the deal. I geeked again. Totally made the floor-plans for the room.

ETA: Forgot to explain the beds. The way I figure each room comes equiped to hold four people, which means there are four beds. Originally the rooms had two people a piece so in my mind each person shoved two beds together and got a big one. Jack lost his spare when Doc came in since he was the one to invite her first (At least he thinks). Hence the singles and doubles.

The lockers are in leiu of closets. They are 7'6 high, 2'6 wide and 3" deep.

I truely have no life.

For those of you who forgot or don't remember: The birth of the suite.

Also making a list of the psychotic little odds, ends, and tchotchkes in the room. Wanna contribute? Anyone can, Mun's have final run-down of what the hell their chara's have though.

Who's is it?
What is it?
Where is it?

What we have so far.

Aeryn's Things.

What is it? Polar Bear Collection.
Where is it? On the unmentioned weapons locker that she totally doesn't have.

What is it? Polar bear pictures.
Where is it? Above her bed.

Jack's Things.

What is it? Jack's stereo.
Where is it? Between Jack and Kawalsky's lockers.

What is it? New Kids on the Block sheets.
Where is it? Bed.

What is it? Zim pillow.
Where is it? Pillows.

Janet's Things.

(Add things here)

Kawalsky's Things.

What is it? A lot of junk, a whiskey bottle,m and something that may or may not be alive.
Where is it? Under his beds.

What is it? Poster of the New York Rangers
Where is it? Above his bed.

What is it? A corkboard with old unit patches, postcards and photos. One of the photos is of Kawalsky and Ferretti in dress blues laughing.
Where is it? In the wall space between Liz's locker and the corner.

What is it? Jack's stereo.
Where is it? Between Jack and Kawalsky's lockers.

What is it? Night ivssion goggles, purple thong, various tidbits-to-be-added.
Where is it? Footlocker as well at the end of his bed.

What is it? Standard clothes, his 80s denim jacket, his dress blues (complete with hat), a tactical vest hanging up and two sets of BDUs... just in case. Down the bottom is a set of combat boots amongst his regular shoes.
Where is it? Locker.

What is it? Barbie sheets.
Where is it? Bed.

What is it? Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtle sheets.
Where is it? Bed.

What is it? [Do not click this link if you are around people or value your eyesight. It's not completely unsafe but disturbing as all hell.] Picture of his Grandma.
Where is it? Inside his locker.

Liz's Things.

(Add things here)

Everyone's Things

What is it? Bunnies plates (Deceased).
Where is it Garbage.

What is it? Mini-fridges. On per person.
Where is it? In the "kitchen area" near the door.

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