I hate doing this, but we're going to have to go on hiatus through mid-July or so. I wish we were at a break between seasons, but the timing is what it is.
Update on my personal life below the cut:
I'm just unbelievably stressed. New job; getting ready to move; and above all angsting about whether I'll be able to sell my house. Somehow I seem to have acquired a full-blown anxiety disorder where I really expect to be squashed like a bug at any minute. When I was a kid it was hard to learn how to float because I didn't trust the water. As I head into late-middle age that distrust is dialed up to eleventy. Presumably I need better drugs. Or maybe I can blame it on menopause.
Anyway, there's an upside! After I sell this house I will never ever subject myself to the stress of home ownership. I can't wait to call my landlord and ask them to take care of the leaky toilet for me. Meanwhile, I've decided it's time to get real furniture, so today I spent lots of money I haven't earned yet on a nice bedset and a really good mattress. Tomorrow I go back for the sofa. Which brings me to the big question for those who have ventured into my personal zone:
Leather or microfiber? I really would like a leather sofa. But I have three cats. Three cats who have completely punctured the one cheap leather bit of furniture I own. Three cats who are older and skitterish and very unlikely to take well to having their claws capped by me on a regular basis. So I'm thinking microfiber. It'll be a little harder with the hair on the sofa problem -- which is no small thing when you have four pets (yes, there's also a dog. I really am a cliche). Anyway, the microfiber its more likely to bear up with the cats. Thoughts? Suggestions?