Ryo hated the Shinkansen. It was already late at night when he was sitting in on of the comfy seats in the train, destination Tokyo. As comfy as the seats were, Ryo hated them. He had his iPod on, turned on full volume. There weren’t much people in the wagon but the ones there were, were casting angry looks at him. Ryo couldn’t have cared less.
Ryo had his laptop open in front of him, but he was merely staring at the wallpaper. The wallpaper was his reason to hate the Shinkansen. Don’t get me wrong, there wasn’t really anything wrong with it. Ryo just hated the fact that he thought it was so damn slow. Ryo thought the Shinkansen being so slow took time, the time he could be spending with his lover.
So Ryo stared longingly at the picture of the two of them. At times like these Ryo hated to that he was in two groups. At times like these hated that they were both idols, and he couldn’t stuff his lover in his suitcase and take him with him Osaka, or something.
But truthfully, when he was on the Shinkansen and eastbound, everything was starting to look brighter again. Now he could actually count minutes until he was home. When he was westbound, he felt homesick only a few minutes after he was dropped of at the station.
Ryo glanced out of the window. Fifteen more minutes before we reach Tokyo. Ryo knew the scenario by heart, he traveled back and forth between the two cities at least twice a week. When he was in Osaka, he sometimes got back to Tokyo only to sleep with his lover, and not in THAT way, wake up too early in the morning and watch his peaceful face. Then he got up as silently as he could and quickly made his way back to the station to catch one of the earliest trains, though not before preparing a nice breakfast and leaving a small note with “ohayo gozaimasu” written on it.
Ryo shut his laptop and a slight smile light on his face when the train finally arrived to the station. The journey had felt like forever to Ryo. Before the train had even stopped Ryo had already stuffed all his belongings in his bag and was standing by the door. As soon as the door opened Ryo was already running towards the parking area where he had left his car a few days ago when his work had taken him to Osaka.
A wide grin spread across his face as he sped through the nighttime Tokyo. Ryo was happy there weren’t that many people out as he drove faster than he knew he should and took every shortcut he knew.
Twenty minutes later he was running up the steps of a luxurious apartment building, as he knew it was faster than waiting for the lift since someone was moving in or out. Ryo didn’t know which and he didn’t really care. Running up the last steps, he stuck his hand in to his bag and dug his keys. He lifted his hand victoriously holding his keys just as he stopped in front of the door he had waited to see for the past few days. Even though the other side is better. Ryo stopped for a few seconds to catch his breath before turning the key and going in quietly.
He toed of his shoes and put his bag on the floor before padding into the living room. The TV was on but the man on the couch was fast asleep. Ryo shuffled over and kissed his forehead before picking him up and carrying him into their bedroom. He laid the man on the bed before quickly changing into a pair of sweats and getting rid of his shirt. Then he slid under the covers and snuggled into the surprisingly muscular body next to him.
The figure stirred and opened his eyes.
“Tadaima, hime,” Ryo whispered with a large smile. Tatsuya looked at him sleepily for a while before pressing his lips softly to Ryo’s.
“Okaeri,” he mumbled as he pressed his face to Ryo’s chest and promptly falling back to sleep. Ryo pulled Tatsuya a close as he could and caressed the older man’s hair. Ryo looked at his sleeping lover for a while before falling into to peaceful sleep for the first time after he went to Osaka. Ryo slept soundily with a smile on his face as dreamed of Tatsuya.
[edit] Sorry for all the people who saw this on the ryoda_love comm, I didn't really think it through as I posted this, so it wasn't much of a mystery, was it? So thanks for reading, anyway, ne...
[edit2] Also, I am so very truly sorry about Ryo driving. I really shouldn't have written that but it just suited this so well in my opinion and I was so lost in my own world that I completely forgot. *gets bricked. twice.*