IC: "Looking to his front," in infantry terminology--he's here, he believes he's got a job to do, and he's gonna do it without worrying too much about other things. Thor is... content in camp, neither particularly pleased nor dismayed, just accepting of the fact that this is where he is right now. But he's also aware that there's more for him, either out there or in here, and he's waiting (something he's not always very good at) for the opportunity to take the next step. Until then, he's got things to smite and pancakes to eat.
OOC: See immediately above, re: next step taking. I.e., openly proclaiming his godhood would go a long way toward smoothing over the few personal issues that leave him unsettled in camp. The trick with that is it'll probably take something drastic, ICly, for him to reverse his long-standing policy of not emphasizing his godhood while interacting with folks in camp. Also, since Matt Fraction is writing some kickass backstory tales of Thor between where I play him in canon and when he shows up on Earth as a superhero, I'm debating how much I want to emphasize the fact that between now and then, Thor becomes a righteously pompous douchebag who needs to be taken down a few pegs.
Plans: Nothing solid. See above.
Odds of Dropping: Not bloody likely. For all intents and purposes, I now have a Norse god living in my head, and this is where he gets to come out and play--better here than in class discussions, for example.
IC: Partly dejected, partly content--it's complex. Arguing with Asta recently brought up some still unresolved self-confidence and guilt issues (big surprise); the problem being that while he knows everything she said was right, he doesn't know how to go about acting on that realization to solve his issues. Otherwise, he's still pretty decent--he likes where he is in camp, and has been making new friends and/or solidifying certain other relationships, and he's good with that.
OOC: Camp has been good for Rico, and it has bolstered his self-confidence--the trick is gonna be getting him to realize that he can let go of his self-doubt while still retaining his guilt over the deaths in his life. While retaining that guilt isn't ideal, the key step is getting him to recognize that they're separate--he can fix one and then the other; it doesn't have to be both at once. Again, this is a tricky thing to try and play through, and I should probably essay on it.
Plans: I've had a "Movie Scenes Run Rampant" idea for a while now, and I'm just waiting for the right time in my life and the camp cycle to give it a whirl. Ditto with a very specific film related event I had in mind. Halloween season is the anniversary of his meeting Asta; perhaps a post on that could be in the future.
Odds of Dropping: Again, highly unlikely. Rico is the second-easiest of my crew to play, and I like having an outlet for my own nerdity. Even should he happen to lose significant contacts in camp, there's a good chance he'd make it through okay.
The Spirit
IC: Mostly unconcerned about anything, the sole exception being staving off boredom--hence his penchant for tormenting other people with his own particular brand of inanity. He may be ever so slightly lonely in camp, but isn't willing to let down his guard enough to do anything about it... yet. As before, he's still pretty much in watch-and-wait mode when it comes to how he acts in camp, but he's having a hard time shaking off the nagging realization that he's done an awful lot of that in his time here...
OOC: No serious issues here, or rather, the only issue is seriousness--I worry occasionally that I've been overplaying Spirit's goofy irreverence and underplaying the fact that there's something going on behind that, a method to his madness--and even if that is coming across, I worry that I'm not backing it up with anything meaningful when it comes to play. Add to that the fact that I still feel like he's insufficiently connected to camp... More to follow under odds of dropping.
Plans: Nothing worth mentioning--playing Spirit is more about picking something on a whim for me, anyway.
Odds of Dropping: Are you kidding? Spirit is the least work-intensive character EVER--find a post, drop him in, act like a smug jackass, rinse, repeat. It's a wonder people don't hate us yet, because this is his constant M.O. The downside referenced above? What makes him so easy to do this with is that he's not really tied down to anything in camp, aside from a few frequent targets of his pestering (and if he ever manages to alienate them, well... we're fucked). I'd take more effort as a trade off for feeling more settled... and if I can't achieve that, it might be time for the mystery man to slink off into the shadows.
IC: Zen doesn't begin to cover it. Iroh has no issues with camp, since it's just yet another fascinating stop on his wacky retirement/vacation roadtrip. He like the people, has found his nephew and teabuddy again, and his niece and her lesbian minions aren't actively trying to kill him... What's not to like?
OOC: ... ahaha. Suffice to say the old man and I have issues, which is probably not in the least surprising. The biggest is my continuing anxiety over achieving his right voice in play--I'm told I do a good job of it (and I'm very grateful for that support) but it's felt increasingly stressful to get it right. I won't dissemble--part of this hiatus I'm ostensibly on is to figure out what I'm going to do with everyone's favorite avuncular tea maven.
Plans: Wait and see. That's my approach.
Odds of Dropping: Pick 'em. If I can work out my issues, rock on. If I can't, well...