damn Dr's
Remember Ralph? He decided to lose the weight so him and Kathy signed up for the laproscopic surgery ( Bariactric) . HE had his done last Tuesday and Kathy is scheduled for Feb.. Linda and I have warned people that the surgery is dangerous and the surgeons should be checked out. Linda has cared for 5 people who have died horrible deaths from the botched surgeries. Big Doug and Annie argued that those cases were rare even though Linda had 5 in less than 6 mos.! Ralph surgery started out to be a little incision and the doctor decided in the middle of it that he would have to go in and open him all the way up since the liver was so inlarged he couldn't get a good look at the stomach. Once the mini surgery turned into major it was all down hill from there. Apparently the doctor "nicked" the stomach and the acids leaked out. The doctor sewed Ralph back up and he got deathly ill. They took him back into surgery and had to "wash " all his internal organs with normal saline ( salt water) . Ralph's kidneys shut down and he swelled up and by Friday night he was dead! Annie was crying when she asked me to take Little Doug for awhile. She told me this was rare and I reminded her of Linda's warning that this was more common than the doctors wanted people to know about!
He was a good man and will be missed. Since you were close to Jarad I thought you might like to know.
Love Mom