(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 03:44

I got bored. During Finals week.


Ignoring the obvious stupidity in this I made myself a god.. aka. I am a god:

You prolly already know.. Ganesha = one of the gods (which are just forms of the one god, Brahman) of Hinduism. Ok enough of that.

I'm kinda proud of myself though the ears and nose could've been done a hell of a lot better.

But the part I really wanted to get right were the arms. All I did was attach them and smooth them out so they look right. Then the background.

When all the colors and lights and shit were done I put it through a posterizing filter. (Gives it the dark outlines.)

These were the images that I worked with by the way:

I gooogled the elephant images. Used two. The ears come from one right ear. (Flipped for the left.) The trunk is actually two seperate trunks. One image had tusks the other didn't.. but the tusk image had the trunk cut off by the edge so hence the two.. um.. ok.

This is what I do when I should be working on finals.

Goddamn impluses..


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