Apple - done
artichoke - done
aardvark - done
lettuce - done
mustard - done
midget - done
macaroni - done
marshmallow - done
matrix - done
mastercard - done
train - done
torture - done
orange - done
litmus - done
lightbulb - done
ornament - done
twist - done
land - done
Start Time: 7:01pm
It was torture, sitting there, watching it all unfold before her and being unable to stop it. That one spilled glass of wine would mar her evening. This was the litmus test for her nerves.
As she dabbed at the spot on the rug that seemed to be traveling faster than a train as it soaked into the shag, the knot in her stomach began to twist ever so slightly more to the left. Suddenly, the lightbulb in the table lamp next to her felt too bright, but she knew it wasn't. It was just her.
Jake stood in the corner in the mustard colored cashmere sweater she had given him on their last anniversary. It made his skin even darker looking amidst the candles and low lighting mood of the party. He took a bite of some salmon and caper covered lettuce hors d'oeuvre as he winked at her. She smiled weakly back, wishing she had taken another pill before the party guests had arrived.
A woman walked by her wearing what looked like muskrat fur boots, but she kept scrubbing with her white cloth that now had a rather large mauve demarcation on it. Her mind focused intently on the chore, trying not to stray to where it really wanted to go.
She felt as out place as an aardvark while people milled about her with their trendy apple martinis, not even noticing their hostess on her knees. She could have been a midget the way they looked over her head as she went about her task.
After a moment, she stood up and surveyed her work. It still bothered her that she could see the outline of the stain, in the shape of a piece of macaroni. She'd have to exercise her Mastercard tomorrow to arrange for someone to professionally clean it. And upon that thought, it started.
At first, it seemed as though the room was rotating like an ornament on a Christmas tree---bright lights and vibrant colors swirling in a circle. Her daughter, Sandi, came up to her with a tray of artichoke dip and bread chunks, but she kept her brave face and simply waved her on to another set of hungry people. Sandi hesitantly walked away from her, her orange socks giving her mother a slight distraction as she noticed the red and green outfit she was wearing with them.
The matrix of her brain was soon feeling like a jar of marshmallow fluff. She quickly looked around herself to find a suitable spot to land upon should she collapse suddenly. She spotted the settee towards the other side of the room, and began to make her way towards it, casually, hoping the attack would wait. But it didn't.
Just as her knees bent of their own volition, her arm shot out in instinct to brace the body for the fall--but the fall didn't happen. Her knight, Jake, pushed passed several revelers, forcing several trays and glasses aside in his dart to prevent her from falling in a heap in the middle of the party. In trying to save her dignity, he managed to ruin the carpet she was attempting to salvage.
But it didn't matter--he was there for her when she needed it, and that was something she'd remember the most and for the longest about that night.
End Time: 7:23pm