Title: ‘Aladdin?’
Author: Me! (2theChangmin)
Characters: Super Junior
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Super Junior has a night off and decides to watch the movie ‘Aladdin’. But something suddenly goes horribly, horribly wrong…
Part 3 - Possibility of plummeting to your doom? ... Confess. )
Comments 32
LOL Henry can add a new nickname to his repertoire. 'Pincushion' XD
And smart Siwonnie~ no need to unnecessarily hurt yourself. :3 Heechul and Hangeng will do it for you as soon as you get out of the movie (LOL at Siwon's confession, btw.)
Fishie's a deep sleeper to be able to sleep through the screaming and the shouting. ^_~
LOL and another four bite the dust...er...get sucked into the movie. Kangin, Sungmin, Shindong, and Hangeng as the guards...I can so imagine this happening. XD Kangin especially. And yay! They get to play with scimtars! XDDD
LOLLLLL~~ Umma!Teukie is going to freaking freak again. Over half the members are now stuck in the movie. Dun dun dun~! Only Henry, Ryeowook, Kibum, Heechul, Donghae, ZhouMi, and himself are left. Ooh~ the suspense is so exciting!
Thanks!! *blushing*
Lol. Yes!
Smart Siwon is hot. (Er... I meant... No, wait; that was what I meant. lol. ;D) Bahaha!!! True! Ke, ke, ke...
Yeah. It seems like he can pretty much sleep through anything once he's out in this fic. ^.^
0.0 Okay... that is kind of creepy. In part 4 I have someone saying that exact (almost) same line. I think this would be a good time to cue the twilight zone music...
lol. Yes!
You know he will too... Ke, ke, ke... >.<
*happy* I hope you enjoy the next part too!!! XD
Hm... you never know... ;D
If you say so. XD
thats it *kicks aol in the face*
stupid aol with its not doing things i tell it to :(
iim sorrrry :(
i left a long comment saying how wonderful this is
*tries to remember everything she said*
i said it was wonderful lots :3
and that i love it
and that its great
and funny
and i remember using the words "comic genius"
and i also told you that ive sorted my dates for coming to you-land :3
Technology... How dare it be all... well, technological. ... XD
(I am so technology challenged.)
Aw... It's okay!! >.<
What? Really? WHEN?!!! ^.^
GAHAHAHAHAHA im laughing because of my idea. LMAO!! xD
Laughing is good! And fun! XD
*currently reading the part4*
Oh Siwon~ You broke Hangeng's CD and bwhaha...switched Heechul's shampoo? What would god say to that? XDDD
I have to get used to Siwon being the hero of this story XDDD
So...Hangeng, Kangin, Sungmin and Shindong are guards? XDDDD
This is so much fun XD
Yes. Yes he did. . . . BAHAHAHAAHA!!! I know, right? How random. Ke, ke, ke... >.<
Yep. Though... I think that my favorite to write in this is still Yesung. (Because he's a freaking parrot!! Sorry. Had to be said.) XD
Yep! :D
*huge smile* Thanks!
Well you can never mention Yesung enough! XDDD
lol. I mean...Hangeng can't really...fight can he? XD I mean Sungmin yes, Kangin at least 'seems' strong and so does Shindong but Hangeng? Well he probably has...'dance-killer' moves. WHy am I elaborating on that? XD
He can't? Doesn't he do Tae Kwon Do? I could be wrong, but I thought I remember hearing some where that he and Sungmin take class from the same guy... Okay, maybe not. ^.^
(And that is a huge YES to the killer dance moves part! XD)
Because he's Hangeng and deserves to be elaborated on.
Okay... why does that not sound right when you say it out loud?
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