Title: ‘Aladdin?’
Author: Me! (2theChangmin)
Characters: Super Junior
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Super Junior has a night off and decides to watch the movie ‘Aladdin’. But something suddenly goes horribly, horribly wrong…
Part 8
Henry blinked into the bright light. Before he could take a look around he felt something jerk underneath him. Looking down caused him to gasp and scramble hastily up off of the colorful carpet he had been crushing. He could barely make out Siwon doing the same thing next to him, but he was too busy worrying about his friend to look properly. “Zhou Mi, are you okay?” Crap. Please tell him that they hadn’t just crushed Zhou Mi! No. Wait. The carpet sat up gingerly from the sand and ‘glared’ at him. YAY! Zhou Mi was ‘glaring’! So then… the man clearly wasn’t seriously injured. Henry sighed and helped his friend the carpet up all the way. “Sorry about that… I didn’t realize…” He scratched the back of his neck. “Well, I mean, it wasn’t actually our fault if you think about it… It’s not like we knew we were going to start the scene on you…” Okay, he should probably stop talking before the carpet glared holes into his head. And he knew that was what Zhou Mi was doing too, even if there were no eyes to be seen in the threaded pattern before him.
“I’m really sorry too Zhou Mi,” Siwon put in from the carpet’s other side. Zhou Mi turned to focus his ‘glare’ (which wasn’t actually a glare…) on his new target.
Eunhyuk, who had also been on Zhou Mi at the beginning of the scene but hadn’t actually crushed the man due to the fact that he was a monkey, thought he would be helpful and began brushing the excess sand off of the carpet. Wrong move. The colorful rug instantly spun around, making Eunhyuk the newest target of his fearsome ‘no eyed’ glare. The glare was made more threatening than before perhaps because of the fact that the carpet actually towered over the poor monkey a great deal.
“Okay,” Siwon waved his hands about in what he hoped was a calming manner. “Why don’t we just concentrate on getting out of this scene… okay?”
Zhou Mi huffed and turned his back on all three of them. . . . Yeah… Don’t ask Henry how a carpet could huff, or how it could sulk for that matter. Apparently it could do both, very well if Henry did say so himself. But Zhou Mi’s sulking and huffing wasn’t going to help any of them. Not that the carpet didn’t have reasons for being huffy; they had been crushing the poor guy a moment ago, and Eunhyuk had… actually, Henry wasn’t sure what Eunhyuk had done, though he had obviously done something. But still… He agreed with Siwon on the whole ‘concentrate on getting out of the scene’ thing.
“Uh… so Siwon,” Henry turned away from his pouting friend of a carpet. “Do you have any idea what we do in this scene?”
Siwon scratched his head and looked around. “I don’t even know where we are… When is Aladdin in a ring of palm trees… out in the middle of nowhere?”
Henry blinked and took a look at their surroundings for the first time. Huh. Siwon was right. When did this happen?
. . .
Well… Shit.
“So, Henry, Zhou Mi, Eunhyuk, and Siwon are gone… anyone else?”
“I’m here.”
“Okay then… so what scene is this?”
“The scene where Aladdin uses his first wish and gets turned into a prince.”
“Whoa… Sungmin? How did you know that?”
“I do remember some things about the movie; I’m not an idiot.”
“So then… wait. Doesn’t Eunhyuk get changed into a…”
“Oh lord…”
“This is going to be great!”
“What?! You know I’m right!”
“I agree with Heechul.”
“See? You know you’re looking forward to it too.”
“I am not.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Wow… When did the two oldest turn into six year olds?”
“. . . Beats me.”
“Maybe it’s the stress.”
“Am not.”
“Are too! You can’t honestly tell me that you aren’t just waiting for your next scene so that you can see Eunhyuk as a-”
“What the…”
“That is… is… an…”
“It wasn’t me! I mean… I didn’t mean to.”
“Calm down Henry, I know that.”
“But Eunhyuk’s a-!” A loud blaring sound sounded out frustratingly from the creature in front of them. Henry stopped his panicked shrieking for a moment to blink. He may have gone slightly deaf.
“I liked him better as a monkey,” Siwon decided as he shook his finger in his ear with the hope of stopping the sudden ringing.
Zhou Mi nodded from his safe spot behind Henry’s shoulder. Henry sighed. How the Hell are we supposed to continue with Eunhyuk as an… an … an…” He couldn’t even seem to get the word out.
Luckily Siwon was very helpful and came to his rescue. “An elephant.”
“Yeah, that.”
Siwon shrugged. “Like I know?”
Eunhyuk, the now massive grey creature before them, let out another ear shattering trumpet blare. “Aish!” Henry complained as he clapped his hands over his ears. “Stop!” He shouted before Eunhyuk decided to go again.
Eunhyuk tilted his head from side to side as if getting used to the odd feeling of it. Thankfully though, he ceased all further trunk noise.
Siwon sighed. “Do you remember if he turns back?”
. . . “I… think so?”
Siwon raised an eyebrow at that. “I thought you knew the movie!”
“Hey, the last time I saw Aladdin I was six! I’m amazed I remembered what I have so far!”
“Fine, whatever… Let’s just continue. It’s really hot out here.”
“Yeah,” Henry agreed. He could feel sweat start to roll down the side of his face. “Uh... Where were we?”
“. . . Eunhyuk just became an elephant.”
“Oh… right.” They both turned back to their enormous unrecognizable band mate. “Crap.”
“When do you think they’ll be done?”
“Who knows?”
“Oh thank God! We’re done!”
“Man am I glad to be out of the sun.”
“Eunhyuk, can you get through one scene without grabbing my ass?!”
“Oh, so that’s what he was grabbing?”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! It’s not exactly easy to tell where everything is on you; you’re a carpet!”
“Well then just stop touching me all together!”
“I’m sorry,” a cold voice suddenly hissed from the darkness. “But what was Eunhyuk grabbing?”
. . .
“I didn’t mean to!”
“Oh, the monkey is so dead.”
“Answer the question,” Kyuhyun barked. “Where were you touching?”
“I didn’t know. He’s a… he’s a carpet! I wouldn’t… I mean, I… He’s a carpet!” Eunhyuk repeated.
“Xui Xian, you don’t have to-”
“You’d better hope,” Kyuhyun snarled, ignoring whatever Zhou Mi had started to say, “that we never get out of here.”
Eunhyuk gulped. “I said I was sorry?”
“Oh you’re going to be sorry. Trust me. You’re going to-”
. . .
. . .
“Where did he go?”
“Scene,” Heechul helpfully provided.
“Oh thank god,” Eunhyuk sighed. “I thought he was going to kill me.”
“Nah,” Henry assured him. “He’ll be fine once he calms down. Just… don’t go anywhere near him for an hour or so…”
“Yeah,” Sungmin agreed. “I’m sure he’ll realize that you didn’t grope Zhou Mi on purpose.”
“I didn’t grope him.”
“I have to disagree with you on that.” Zhou Mi put in. “That first one was definitely groping material.”
Eunhyuk groaned. “Great,” he grumbled sarcastically. “Kyuhyun’s going to kill me.”
“Kyuhyun wouldn’t actually kill you,” Kangin put in. “He might punch you though…”
“You aren’t very helpful…”
“I was just saying the truth.”
“So Eunhyuk… what’s it like being an elephant?”
Eunhyuk groaned.
“Heechul; not now,” Hangeng whispered.
“What? I want to know… Aish; fine.”
“So… Heechul is going to marry you?”
“Sure?” Kyuhyun shrugged.
“That’s not very convincing.”
“Shut up Yesung. I don’t care about convincing, I care about strangling Eunhyuk!”
“Calm down; you know he didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Yeah well… That still doesn’t give him the right.”
“I’m so confused,” Lee Teuk said. “What did Eunhyuk do? … Are still talking about the movie?”
Kyuhyun sighed. “If the princess Jasmine doesn’t find a prince by her birthday, blah, blah, blah… I get to marry her and become sultan.”
“… You could really be more evil when you say that.”
“Shut up Yesung! What are you a bloody acting coach?!”
“Me? No. Right now I’m a parrot.”
. . .
“Anyways… Lee Teuk, this part is yours.”
“I’m still confused… but… uh… No? Jasmine won’t marry you?”
“Yes she will.”
“… Okay then?”
. . .
“Okay then?” Yesung started chuckling. “Wow. Some great father you are.”
“Shut up,” Lee Teuk smiled. “I don’t know the lines… Hey… do you hear that?”
. . .
“Hear what?”
“That music.” Lee Teuk stepped around Kyuhyun and headed towards the giant window. “I guess we did something right… the scenes continuing… and oh my…!! Is that Eunhyuk?!”
“Oh my… he’s an elephant!!!”
“Thanks Yesung, but we can see that.”
“I kind of feel bad for wanting to punch an elephant…”
“And their gone… Why is everyone going so quickly?”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yeah well…”
“What is that silence supposed to mean?”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“Does anyone know how long we’ve been in this movie?”
“. . . A long time.”
“Gee, thanks; that was very helpful.”
“Sure thing!”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“I know.”
“Aish… I wish I knew what was-”
. . .
“Well, Heechul’s gone… Again.”
“Hey… isn’t the balcony scene coming up?”
“Yeah, it’s after the scene on now.”
“Does that mean that Heechul and Siwon will…?”
. . .
“BAHAHA!!!” The darkness suddenly filled with the ringing of hysterical laughter.
“Man, am I glad I’m not Aladdin.”
“Poor Siwon!”