Title: Breakdown
itswhatidoesFandom: Warehouse 13
Claim: Claudia Donovan
Rating: PG
Prompt: Set 17, Prompt 2 - lost souls
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: I don't own Claudia, Pete, Myka, Artie, or Leena. They just inhabit my brain from time to time.
Notes: Takes place approx. 4 1/2 years after S1 ends. Pete and Myka are still on the show, don't worry :D
Orange sunlight poked through the window as Claudia was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. There were tear marks down her face, and her eyes were red. She wasn’t crying anymore, but she was still very upset. Her arms were out to her sides, her hands hanging limply. Pete. Myka. They were really gone. Well, they had been missing for a while, but it had been almost a year without any sort of sign. It was declared today that candidates for new agents will be searched for. Claudia closed her eyes. She thought she was over this. She realized a long time ago that there was little to no chance of them showing back up, but hearing about the search for new agents just made her so angry. She didn’t want new agents. Even if Pete and Myka were gone, she was still there. Artie was, too. And Leena. Everything would be fine with just the three of them.
Title: Rebuild
itswhatidoesFandom: Warehouse 13
Claim: Claudia Donovan
Rating: G
Prompt: Set 6, Prompt 3 - a silver chain
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: I don't own Claudia, Pete, Myka, Artie, Leena, or Mrs. Frederic. They just inhabit my brain from time to time.
Notes: Takes place approx. 4 1/2 years after S1 ends. Pete and Myka are still on the show, don't worry :D
Dark eyes stared back at her from the mirror as she wiped her face off. The reflection then just looked at her, as if taking judgment on her for not respecting her superior’s decision. That thought made her feel more than a bit uncomfortable. Despite all the anger and sadness and wanting her family back, she also wanted to help those who were still here. She wanted to make Artie and Mrs. Frederic happy(though the latter almost never showed it). She wanted to keep the Warehouse well in working order, but that was difficult when she was away, gathering Artifacts. The perfect balance was two agents, their contact, and someone on the floor. She and Artie had made up for the losses well, but they couldn’t handle that forever. The reflection hardened its gaze, then looked down, sighing. She then caught sight of the small, silver chain around her neck and took a deep breath. They were always there with her, no matter who arrived in her place. “Claudia?” She though she heard Myka ask quietly. Quickly looking, she saw not Myka standing in open doorway, but Leena, looking a bit concerned.