Title: Breakfast With the Yverros
firewolfs_fics (my fic journal)
Pairing: Reno/Kerri
Fandom: Final Fantasy
Theme: #25. Soda Pop
Disclaimer: SquareEnix owns all recognizable characters. Kerri is an OFC.
Warnings: None
Kerri dished her oatmeal into a bowl and brought it to the table. She sat down and added a spoonful of butter, some sugar, and finished it off with a generous helping of chocolate syrup. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes in enjoyment for a second. She opened her eyes to see Reno and Miya staring at her, their noses wrinkled in identical expressions of disgust.
“That's gross, Mommy,” Miya said, and Reno nodded his agreement.
Kerri didn't answer, but took an even larger bite, smiling serenely at them from around the spoon.
“Why are you eating like that?” Miya asked.
Before Kerri could swallow her food and reply, Reno spoke up. “Because Mommy's pregnant, Miya. So that means she's a little crazy right now, yo.”
“It's still yucky,” Miya said.
Reno's eyes twinkled with mischief. “Nah, this ain't so bad. With you, it was soda pop over corn flakes. And since you were inside her, that meant you had to eat it too.”
“Oh, Daddy! Ick!” Miya wailed. She pushed back her half-eaten bowl of cereal and fled to the safety of the living room. Reno leaned back in his chair laughing, while Kerri ignored the antics of her two redheads and continued her breakfast.