Title: Ice and Lies - I. The beginning
Author: Aviss
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Aizen Sousuke/Hitsugaya Toushiro
Rating: PG-13
Words: 560
Theme: #1 - Look over here
Disclaimer: So Disclaimed. Kubo Tite owns them; I just use them to play.
Notes: Written for
30_kisses. First instalment of what I hope will be a long series.
I. The beginning
The small valley looked like a scene taken out of a nightmare; even in the faint light the corpses and dying men were visible, the cries and whimpers and the stench of blood were almost overpowering. If he had been a weaker man, Aizen knew he would have been sick. He wasn't a man, however, but a Shinigami, and the humans and their miseries were of little interest to him.
Aizen closed his eyes to the carnage and reached out with his reiatsu, there was someone there with spirit power, there was someone calling out to him. The pull was weak, but it was still there, moving slowly.
He followed the thread that took him to the one with power, and wasn't surprised to find out that the human body was already dead, the spirit roaming the battlefield undetected by the living. He took a look at the corpse. A young man, barely over puberty, his lithe body unharmed except for the arrow stuck on his chest; his eyes, cold and unseeing, staring surprised ahead, his mouth pursed. The corpse's most prominent feature was his white hair, a strange colour for someone who appeared to be so young.
Aizen walked past the corpse searching, if he was not mistaken the spirit had not left the place yet.
It didn't take long for Aizen to find him. At the edge of the battlefield, staring moodily at the sunset was the spirit of the young man. Aizen stood there for a minute, just observing, surprised at the reiatsu he could feel inside him.
"There was a Dragon, a huge ice dragon calling me." the young man said without turning. "That was the reason I got distracted and they got me."
Aizen nodded, even if the young man wouldn't be able to see it. It was said that one of the heavenly guardians of Soul Society had an ice/snow zanpakutou; though it had been centuries since its last wielder died. It would be really inconvenient for his future plans if the guardian were to appear again. "Look over here," Aizen said, unsheathing his zanpakutou.
The young man did and Aizen was surprised seeing that his eyes were as cold alive as they were dead, and that his expression wasn't sorrowful or confused. He looked mightily pissed off. Stifling a smile, Aizen turned his sword to give the young man the soul burial. "What is your name, boy?"
The young man scowled, but didn't look scared or anything. "I'm not a boy," he said, "my name is Hitsugaya Toushiro." he took a look at the sword, and then looked up at Aizen. His expression was, if possible, darker. "I'm already dead, isn't that a bit unnecessary?"
What an interesting young man! Aizen thought, smiling slightly. "Your soul needs to go to Soul Society; I'm just here to send you there."
Hitsugaya shrugged, and then nodded.
Aizen touched delicately his face with the seal etched on the hilt of his sword, just brushing it in a feather like kiss, and the light of the seal being transferred to his forehead shone brighter than any Aizen had seen before.
And then the young man was gone, and Aizen looked around with a smile on his face.
Things would be definitely interesting from now on, he was sure he would see Hitsugaya Toushiro again.