Title: Just A Bouquet
Author: Icy
Pairing: Roy/Riza
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own FullMeal Alchemist or the characters. This fanfic is written for non-profit only.
Author’s Note: I hated how last month’s came out and I really think I am going to rewrite it. I started it at one point and came back to it and it went in a different direction.
This one isn’t related to it at all, but I felt like mentioning it.
List OF Kisses (
Flowers had always been an extremely successful method of communication for Roy. It was true that they were a good accent to his apparent womanizing habits. And his subordinates had, on many occasions before now, pored over his book to examine just how he took his notes.
They’d been disappointed not to find anything relevant, but impressed to see how many dates he attended each week.
To a point it was true. He certainly did love women. But he didn’t care about the girls he addressed, at least-not in that sense. He certainly cared about them, that was true. He cared about all of his country’s citizens, and that was why he wanted to stage a coup.
He could take care of them much better than King Bradly had done, that much was clear.
But the women he actually talked to-well, of course, they only made up a fraction of the names in his book. The rest of the names were false, and his version of code. He did indeed keep notes in there.
But there were a few women in there who did really exist. In particular, his florist, with whom he flirted heavily and relied upon particularly for information. And then the other women who he did date, ones he brought flowers to. And did get intelligence from.
It was all quite cunning, really. He appeared to be a womanizer, so to see him in the company of an unfamiliar woman wasn’t suspicious, but expected. Nobody wondered why he was meeting so many unfamiliar people, like they might if he met with war-hardened veterans. He could gain intelligence much more easily this way.
But he didn’t care about any of them that way. He was fairly certain that most of them understood, but they certainly didn’t object to his flirtations and advances. It was all necessary to keep up his reputation and to keep up their appearances.
There was only one woman Roy wanted a relationship with. There was only one with whom he would willingly spend romantic evenings for the sake of the romance. And in a sense, he was lucky. He already had her by his side, forever-or, at least, as long as he needed protecting.
He would never ever admit it, but maybe it was a small, tiny part of why he was not overly cautious. Why he was not afraid to be reckless at times. Because it ensured that Riza would have to remain there, protecting him.
Perhaps someday, one of them would be disaffiliated from the military. They wouldn’t have to keep avoiding a relationship for the sake of professionalism. And Roy would have to find a new way to code his words. He wouldn’t be allowed to pretend to wine and dine five women a week. But none of that would matter, because he’d finally be able to kiss Riza.
Actually, that was something he’d like to try. He wondered if she’d object.
Instead, when he was purchasing his regular bouquets and gaining information, he bought one extra flower, and left it on her desk that morning. The rest would come in time.