Quietude (Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha)/Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) #33)

Sep 20, 2008 22:51

Fandom: InuYasha/Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Title: Quietude
Theme: 033. Bonus: I feel peace at night.
Pairing/Characters: Kagome/Hiei
Rating: K
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of Sengoku Otogizoushi - InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. InuYasha belongs to Takahashi Rumiko, Shogakukan, Viz Media, ShoPro Entertainment, and Shounen; while Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Togashi Yoshihiro, Shueisha, Viz Media, and Shounen. No profit or money of any kind is made from this fan-created crossover.
Summary: It was funny how one answer could change so much about a relationship.
Cross-posted to: fanfiction.net; mediaminer.org

Another day and she couldn't wait for it to pass into the complete darkness of night so she could spend it in the presence of her mysterious little demon. Hers, she giggled at that thought and received strange looks from her friends. She knew they were curious as to what made her seem her normal happy self again, but she couldn't tell them the truth. Who would believe her if she told them it was because of a demon? So she let them believe whatever they wanted to believe. They didn't know about the life she left behind, so how could she begin to tell them anything aside from what a teenage girl would consider normal?

Kagome sighed, once again drawn into her sad memories. Only their weight wasn't as crushing as before. Just by letting her quiet little watcher know about the double-life she had led, it had lessened the pain of knowing she couldn't return. It was still there, but bearable now. She guessed when people said that a shared burden is half-a-burden, they were right.

And as night fell, her feet took her out to the Goshinboku where her demon was always waiting. She wondered if he would ever know how much he helped her by just listening to her story. She smiled her smile for him watching as his eyes narrowed in vexation.

"Good evening." He didn't reply, but she was used to it. She knew he was listening even though she knew he wished he could block out her voice.

Just being in his presence was enough to help her get through the days. It was odd, that someone as abnormal as he could make her feel normal. "I have to wonder if one day I'll come out here to find you gone." It made her feel as if she wasn't the only strange creature out there in the world.

"And I wonder what you do during the days... I never see you around…”

He surprised her though, by responding. "Shouldn't you be sleeping like all the other humans?"

Her smile was small, knowing he could hear it but not see it. "Perhaps I should be... But I love these nights more... For some reason, sitting here with you, I feel more at peace than I have in a while."

Kagome's smile became one of amusement as she heard a soft snort. He probably thought her crazy for finding peace in these moments with him, if he didn't already. She looked up into the branches of the Goshinboku, looking for the black of his clothes and the carmine eyes so easily seen in the night. "What about you? Don't demons need to sleep as well?"

Silence was her only answer; she wasn't expecting him to answer again anyways. If there was one thing she learned in the nights she spent with him, it was that he was picky about what he would answer and say. She had learned that a silence such as the one that now surrounded them meant that the answer he refused to say was agreeing with what she had asked. Pride was something all demons seemed to share. It made her miss Inuyasha terribly; he had been the same way. And perhaps in time, this mysterious demon she couldn't get enough of would open up to her in the same way he had. Kagome prayed that he would.

For now though, she only hoped and wished that he felt the same peace she did during the nights they spent together like this.

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inuyasha/yu yu hakusho, higurashi kagome/hiei

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