Title: Last Minute Vacation
Fandom: Moon Child
Characters: Kei and Sho
Theme: #6 - Vacation
Rating: G
Summary: A while after playing around at the beach with Toshi, Son, and Yi-Che, this time Sho insists he and Kei return there by themselves.
Disclaimer/Author's Notes/Spoiler Warning: I do not own the characters portrayed herein.
“Let’s go to the beach, just you and me this time,” he asked, tugging at the red sleeve of the vampire’s favorite coat.
“Can’t you ever ask ahead of the time? Or do you wait for the last minute just to throw me off?” Kei answered with a chuckle, pausing at the door. He had been on his way out to feed, and he actually preferred to do it without Sho’s curious, guilt-inducing gaze on him.
“I exist to get your panties in a wad over every little thing,” Sho laughed and threw the door open with an unnecessarily gallant bow.
Kei shook his head and sighed. Sho’s grin drooped rapidly as he waited for some sort of answer. Kei adjusted his sleeve since Sho had yanked one side lower than the other and then strode out the door.
“Fine, fine,” he said, and Sho’s grin returned. Kei couldn’t help but be amused by the youth’s intense relief and renewed vigor. He decided he would hunt tomorrow or perhaps the day after.
Sho locked the door behind them and followed after him like a puppy excited for a walk. He was almost twenty now but he still seemed like a dorky adolescent to Kei sometimes. “But I hope you plan on paying for the gas because we can’t walk there and back.”
“Awwwww! Tch, I see, now I’m your chauffeur. Jerk.”
“Hey, it was your idea,” Kei reminded him.
Thankfully they survived the drive out to the beach once again, although Sho still tensed up like a gambler with his savings on the line and insisted on chewing through several cigarettes in the process.
The sky appeared pitch-black and it was clear enough that one or two stars were visible amidst the haze; the rest were outshined by Mallepa’s brilliance. Those few stars were enough to make Sho happy, though; he hadn’t seen a clear night sky unimpeded by artificial lighting so, as Kei said, he had no idea what he was missing.
“Ahhhh, it feels great here at night,” Sho sighed as he slid forward in the seat, leaned back, and folded his arms behind his head, reclining as best he could so he could look up at the darkness.
“Mm,” Kei answered; Sho didn’t see his affectionate gaze.
“I feel like I’m on vacation when we come out here.”
Kei chuckled. “It’s too bad you never got to see Okinawa in its prime.”
“Ahh?” Sho glanced over at the vampire who was looking up at the sky by then.
“It was a close place for people to vacation in Japan, before the economy collapsed. Perfect weather, beautiful beaches, a little exotic...”
“Oh... huh...” Sho said thoughtfully. “I thought people usually went to Hawaii or Guam or something.” He imagined pretty women in grass skirts with flowers and pineapples and graceful, swaying dances like he’d seen in books and movies.
“Those places too... but I guess I liked Okinawa best.”
“Hmm...” Sho nodded and stretched, yawning. “I prefer vacationing at Mallepa’s beach in the middle of the night, with a nostalgic vampire.” He stretched languorously, reaching out with his arms, but rather than folding them behind his head again, he let one fall across Kei’s shoulders, wondering if it was subtle in the slightest.
Kei shook his head and smiled; Sho recognized the genuineness of that particular smile and considered his slick move a success.