Title: Sabotage
Pairing/Characters: Kakashi x Iruka
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: PG-13 XD
Summary: Theme 20: Candy Canes. Iruka decorates the apartment and attempts to spread the holiday cheer. That is, until Kakashi sabotages his plan.
A/N: I impressed Christmas upon Konoha. Hope no one minds. ^_^; Hope this is alright and well-recieved.
It was the middle of winter in Konoha and Iruka couldn’t be happier. He was decorating his apartment for the holiday coming up with various things. Cut outs that his students made him, little signs he had bought at a shop down the way, and last but certainly not least, his little tree. This little tree held a special place in his heart and he always put it up. He would decorate it with anything he could think of, trying to think of something new every year. Lucky for him, that same little shop had gotten in these peculiar cane-shaped candies that supposedly tasted like peppermint. Iruka couldn’t resist. They were just so cute, what with their little red and white stripes swirling up the shaft and curve of the candy. He planned to give one candy cane off of his tree to Team Seven every day up until Christmas.
He never imagined he would be sabotaged.
About a year back, a certain silver-haired jounin shinobi had moved into an apartment with Iruka. They had been together for quite some time, Kakashi reasoned, so they were both quite happy to just make it official and move in with each other. Of course, the sighs of ‘Jesus, when are they going to get on with it, already?’ and ‘Kakashi, you’re already living there, so why don’t you just start paying rent and stop mooching?’ had helped put the plan into motion. Kakashi would never had said his life could get any better than it was, between waking up to Iruka close enough for him to pull to his chest and snuggled with and going to bed at night with Iruka plastered to his chest with various sticky substances. Yes, Kakashi’s life was good and he intended to keep it that way.
He never saw it coming.
Kakashi had just gotten back from the grocery store and he was tired and covered in snow. All he wanted to do was curl up on his couch, or maybe in bed, with his Iruka. Of course, the fatigue couldn’t be blamed on the grocery shopping. One of Team Seven’s more consistent missions was a weekly excursion to the grocer’s before lugging several bags of fresh food back to Kakashi and Iruka’s apartment. Kakashi loved Wednesdays. When the team got into the kitchen and began to unpack the groceries, mumbling about lazy jounins and other nonsense, Iruka burst out of the bedroom with a big smile on his face. He began ranting and raving excitedly about these new candies he had picked up and his plan to force-feed every one of them one a day. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura lit up with the proposition of free candy and ran into the living room while Iruka scolded Kakashi, yet again, for making them do the grocery shopping. Kakashi smiled innocently, using his right eye to display his mirth, while holding out an expectant hand waiting for the candy. Iruka sighed before taking four candy canes off his tree and handing them out with a big smile on his face. Each of the kids ate their candy with awe painted all over their faces.
Naruto made a big fuss about having another one and having to wait until tomorrow. Sasuke grunted out that they were quite good, but never let his voice rise above the normal tone. Sakura thought they were very, very good, but waited to express her love until given the go-ahead by Sasuke. Kakashi devoured his quickly before sighing happily and thanking his lover. No words of praise. Just a simple: Thanks. Iruka had no choice but to laugh and promise all four of them one every day until Christmas. Everyone was delighted.
The next morning came and Kakashi left 3 hours late to meet his team. Iruka had left earlier in the morning, pointing out the finer aspects of punctuality. Kakashi had shrugged and kissed him goodbye before returning to bed for a few hours.
When Iruka returned home he was witness to something horrible. His tree was surrounded by the three members of Team Seven gawking at the tragedy that was the missing candy canes. They heard the door click shut quietly and spun around with anger and sadness on their faces. Naruto yelled about how much ramen Iruka owed him for lying about the candy canes and it was all Iruka could do to calm him down before they left with a promise of more tomorrow. Kakashi sat silently in the kitchen with a cup of hot tea. He turned to greet his lover only to be slam-kissed into the counter. Not that he was objecting, mind. After a brief bout of making-out, Iruka released the jounin with a scowl on his face.
“What?” Kakashi asked, lips red and well-kissed.
“You bastard! You ate all the candy canes, didn’t you?” Iruka fumed.
“Well…” Kakashi said, taking a step to the side, just incase he had to make a break for it.
Iruka frowned harder, if possible, and took a step closer to the jounin.
“’Ruka~~, no need to be upset, I’ll get more I pro-” He was cut off by another kiss, this one not so rough. Iruka ran his tongue over Kakashi’s lips and against his tongue. Kakashi was, least to say, a bit confused.
“Doesn’t matter.” Iruka said with a shrug before letting a grin settle into place and an eyebrow raise. “I’ll have to get more anyways. They make you taste quite good. I wonder if they have them year-round?”