Title: The Longest Night: Familiar Sights Unseen [Random Scene]
Day/Theme: February 20th - "Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars"
Series: Magic Kaitou
Character/Pairing: Kuroba Kaito, Nakamori Aoko
Rating: PG
Keiko waved to them before heading on down the road.
Aoko waved back until she could no longer see her friend, a warm smile on her face--until she heard an amused, thoughtful sound from her left. She closed her eyes as she lowered her hand, refusing to give any more of a reaction that she had just then. "Well?" she asked with a sarcastic tone. "Aren't you supposed to be heading back to your secret lair or something?"
"So cold, Aoko-san," Kid said lightly in response, putting his hands in his pockets as he continued to look out to where the other girl had run off to. "You know, I never realized what good friends the two of you were."
Aoko gave him an odd look. "Why would you care about that sort of thing?" she asked before quickly interrupting him with a sigh before he could answer. "Right, right, disguises and all that. Impersonating a person, blah blah blah--"
"Actually, I was just going to say that I suppose I'm not used to seeing that sort of relationship these days."
For some reason, those words made Aoko pause. She continued to stare at the thief in his small bit of disguise, trying to understand what expression was on his face that made his lips twist into such a nostalgic smile that seemed almost frozen in place, as if pure will kept it from trying to change into something else...
Hesitantly she asked, "You don't have that sort of friend?"
Kid remained silent.
Aoko persisted, "You have to have someone, right? Kaitou Kid has all those assistances who help him escape--"
The young man turned his head, tilting his head in a curiously amused manner before asking, voice laughing just a bit in a not-quite honest manner, "Assistances? What are you talking about? Jii-chan's my only assistant. And yes, he has gotten me out of quite a number of tight spots, if I were to be honest."
The girl continued staring at him, not knowing what to say.
Kid looked up at the darkened sky, seeming content to just stand there and stare at stars that couldn't be seen, that were blocked out by the city's lights. "Jii-chan... well, he's the closest to that sort of friend, I suppose, maybe." He gave a bit of a shrug, his smile brightening a bit. "Well, I can't really say that we tell each other everything. He still keeps his secrets about 8 years ago, and I keep my secrets that don't need to have him involved if possible. He is getting on in the years and one day..."
His voice trailed off and following its descent into silence, his chin lowered to the point that he was now looking at the ground. He stared at the road for only a moment before shaking himself out of whatever thoughts were plaguing him before turning to face Aoko again, that broad grin on his face, same as always. "But you're right that we should both be heading to our proper abodes, Aoko-san."
Aoko felt almost... disappointed. As though for a moment, she had been able to see that face for once and understand what it was that Kid hid away from the world only to have it taken away from her just as always, leaving her with the impression of something painful. Whatever it was, it seemed to be the opposite of what everyone thought of the elusive Kaitou Kid to be like. To everyone in the world, he was the laughing jokester in white who stole from others for some kind of game or maybe even personal amusement. There was no doubt in him or in what he did. He just did it, with a smile on his face and the heist in his hands.
This Kid that she had been catching glimpses of ever since that one night...
She started suddenly when she found a hand being placed on her forehead, a face hidden by sunglasses and hat peering at her closely and making her face burn without warning. "W-what?" she snapped at him.
The thief pulled his hand away, a bit of a frown on his lips.
But he didn't answer and, instead, merely turned around and started walking off.
Aoko stood there, face feeling hot with some emotion she couldn't name.
Thus, she shouted out in a fury, "And just where are you going now!"
Kid glanced over his shoulder, a bright grin on his face as he held up a hand, index and middle fingers opened up into a V as he said, "I'll see you whenever I feel the need, Aoko-san, but please to not be going back to that hideaway! Now that I'm able to spend a day on my feet, it is about time I moved camp elsewhere before our favorite men in black come to find me!"
"Eh?" was the only thing Aoko could say, feeling the embarrassment, the indignation, and the... whatever it was drain from her system as something hollow took its place.
Kid was leaving...
"But..." Aoko began, not really able to get anything else out but somehow that lone word was enough to halt the thief's footsteps. She stood there, for some reason feeling very much like those times so many years ago whenever he father would leave her behind so he could go... go chase the phantom legend that this young man was a part. Even still, knowing this and hating it, she tried to argue, "But Jii-san said--!"
Her voice caught in her throat quicker than if he had shouted. Instead, he was just standing there, turned to face her, a small smile on his face that left her wondering just what kind of smile it was as the darkness was swiftly growing darker by the minute, obscuring even more details from her.
Kid continued, voice soft but carrying easily through the night, "Please. I know what it is that Jii-san said, but I am asking you not to go back to that place. You've seen first-hand what these people will do to those who they consider enemies. Imagine what they would do to someone associated with me. And yes." His grin grew a bit as Aoko moved as if to protest. "Even if you may still have a deep-seeded disliking for me, they won't get past the fact that you come and go from a place that could be my hide-away. So please. For your own safety, Aoko-san.
"Don't go back to that place."
Aoko looked away from that obscured face, not able to face it anymore as she finally nodded in agreement.
She only looked up again when she heard a bit of a laugh come from the thief.
He pulled his hands from his pockets and put them onto his hips, looking back toward the city with a wide grin on his face. "Now there's a sight I've missed for a long time," he said with a private joy that Aoko could only guess at.
So she just pointed out bluntly, "You've only just recovered from being stupid and going out on a heist, idiot thief."
A slight slouch in his shoulder and a hand going to his head while he laughed a bit was the purposefully visible sign of embarrassment Kid allowed her to see. "I suppose you're right," he said with amusement. "Still, can you think of a better view?"
Aoko thought about it for a moment, looking from the glowing lights of the cities that shone brighter as the sun finally laid itself to rest, shadows extending and darkening. It would have be an almost frightening thing, standing in the middle of street in the middle of a nice neighborhood with a well-known criminal, except for the fact that said criminal was more distracted by the sights that he must have seen every day of his life rather than planning something crafty. It was a decidedly strange and yet... normal kind of moment to have with this strange young man...
A young man who ran through the lit city they were both now regarding with some kind of curiosity and contentment.
As if they were staring up at the stars themselves.
For once, Aoko could actually see why the idiot would put his life in danger for some chase that no one else understood.
-End of scene-
... ewwwwwwwwww. I wrote something SWEET.