Title: Vampire: Game, Set, Match [Random Scene]
Day/Theme: February 27th - "What shall I do to shun the snares of death?"
Series: Magic Kaitou
Character/Pairing: Kuroba Kaito, Pandora, Kuroba Toichi, Nakamori Aoko
Rating: R
Continuing from
this scene. An almost stifled noise came from the grown man.
Kaito only knew too well what kind of sound that was but was somehow unable to process what exactly was going on. Sure, even since this whole thing had began, he'd known that his father was a vampire who had been caught into this... this immortal's grasp so long ago. Sure, that sort of thing would only make sense. Still, something just didn't seem right.
There was something completely wrong about this sort of scene.
And then Kaito felt it, the icy stare that made his eyes lift--
To meet with those inhuman eyes that terrified him to the core, that froze him more fixedly than any sort of spell that had been casted on him before.
Because that was the only explanation, wasn't it? His mind raced when he found he couldn't look away, couldn't break free. This woman--this creature was able to put up an illusion that wasn't the kind of magic he knew of. Able to disguise herself as this old hag that almost seemed caring if it weren't for her harsh words and actions, it didn't take a genius to think that there was probably more to this power that just simple disguise.
This should have set off an alarm in his head. Kaito knew it should have.
Instead, it was getting a bit harder to grasp what exactly it was that he had been thinking, why his head felt absurdly heavy and his thoughts began swimming--
Something to do with them--
"Kaito?" came a voice from seemingly far off, sounding shaken and tired and... something else. What was it?
The word eluded him even as he tried to look down to see what kind of expression the girl in his arms was wearing--maybe that would tell him--
He winced, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his head, groaning as a sharp pain flooded his thoughts. Hands immediately took either side of his face, trying to move his head in a certain direction but it only hurt, hurt, hurt-- "Kaito? Kaito, what's wrong? Kaito!"
Those hands were now going to his shoulders as he felt himself slump forward, unable to keep himself up anymore. Something was definitely wrong. Something...
Another jolt of pain ran through him, somehow able to encompass all the hunger pains he'd ever felt into one acute stab that came and then went without any warning at all. It wasn't natural, was it? Considering his nature, it was already unnatural of itself, but this sort of thing... it didn't happen to immortals like them, did it? Unless... unless she did something--
A harsh thump resounded through his body, and Kaito gasped, hand clutching his chest as he panted for breath, leaning against Aoko who kept calling out his name, now shouting in alarm and crying out for Toichi--and Toichi was answering. Wait, how was Toichi able to answer? What--what about Pandora?
You wanted a challenge?
His eyes shot open wide, staring blankly at the ground as his body began to shake.
As that voice continued to laugh in his head.
Kaito struggled to get out the words to let the others know what was happening, but he couldn't get the air or even find the words to use to warn them. Instead, he could hear Toichi shout--maybe his father knew exactly what was going on and was demanding that Pandora let his son go--
You have your challenge, Kuroba Kaito.
And he suddenly felt something in his throat, felt himself gagging and choking and coughing, trying to breathe. Aoko was crying, she had to be, from what the hot liquid falling onto his cheek could tell him, even as she continue to clutch onto him, calling his name, hoping for a response. He could only continue to lean against her, finally bringing a hand to cover his mouth as his eyes went wide when he saw just what it was that had been caught in his throat.
Let's play a game, little magician.
And the voice continued to laugh.