Title: Order In The Court: Part XXIV
Day/Theme: 24. When a woman learns to walk, she's not dependent any more
Series: Bleach / Phoenix Wright
Character/Pairing: Maya, Franziska, Ema, Nanao
Rating: G
It was a very very secret meeting. It was so secret that most members of both prosecution and defense teams hadn't been informed about it.
"They're going round in circles," Maya said. "Nick keeps on trying to slip in questions like, 'So you killed them all, didn't you?' in between pressing her on her testimony, and thinking that nobody notices."
"You are sadly correct," Franziska von Karma agreed. "The foolish fools cannot find any weak point in her statement, however many times they ask or however foolishly they put it. And my perfectly reasonable request for a private talk with her was refused by the foolish judge himself on the grounds that I might be considering doing her some damage."
"How much damage?" Maya asked hopefully.
"Nothing lethal," Franziska said coldly. "Alas."
Ema Skye sighed. "We've been over the location where she said the murder took place. There aren't any bloodstains, but if Captain Hitsugaya iced it over and then the ice melted and the water washed it away, it's possible that there wouldn't be. So we can't disprove that. And Captain Aizen's own sword would hide the wound made by Kurosaki Ichigo's sword, so we can't disprove that. And nobody else can testify about her being there or not being there, not even other Academy students . . ."
"That's why we wanted to talk to you," Maya said to the fourth person present.
Ise Nanao adjusted her glasses. "The Shinigami Women's Association shares certain of your feelings regarding the untrustworthiness of this witness. We also share certain of your feelings regarding being able to convince the judge about this. And other captains. So. What do you have in mind?"
"Could her Academy entrance records have been forged?" Maya asked. "If she was planted here to give fake testimony, then if we can prove she is a plant, and then find out who's behind her . . ."
Franziska nodded. "We have applied to see her full background. She wept a few delicate tears about us looking through her private history. The judge refused."
Nanao looked thoughtful. "This sort of thing can be investigated," she said delicately. "With extreme prejudice. And the results could then arrive anonymously in your court record evidence. Is that what you had in mind?"
"Could we have the originals as well as copies?" Ema asked. "There are a few tests I'd like to run on them."
"Of course," Nanao said. "In fact, it might be safer if you had the originals. Spontaneous combustion is a constant danger in crowded archives. I hear Captain Kurotsuchi's had three cases of it already this year when he was asked to submit sick leave reports and Division casualty figures."
Maya nodded.
Franziska nodded.
Ema nodded.
Nanao laced her fingers together and smiled thinly. "Give me a few hours," she said. "And we may have some results for you."
Compilation Order in the Court post.