Title: Out of Body
Day/Prompt: November 17th - I was here for a moment, then I was gone
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Character/Pairing: Lector and Nesbitt of The Big Five
Rating/Warning(s): K+/PG, supernatural elements
By Lucky_Ladybug
Lector really didn't understand what happened. One minute he knew exactly where he was-driving a car through a vicious snowstorm in Domino City. Then the car hit a patch of ice, spun, and slammed into a snowbank. He was thrust out of consciousness, and suddenly he was floating above the scene. He could see the snowbank, the car, and even himself slumped over the steering wheel. Then, before he really had time to process what had just transpired, he was back in the car and opening his eyes as a large icicle crashed onto the windshield.
The strange experience had badly shaken him, but there was little he could do about it right then. He had to focus on getting out of his predicament. Pressing on the accelerator did nothing. The tires spun helplessly; the car was in too deep.
His hands shook as he reached into his pocket for his phone. It was there, solid and warm, and he shakily dialed a familiar number. The sound of the deep "Hello?" in his ear filled him with a rush of peace and comfort.
"Nesbitt, I think I need help," he greeted his friend.
"What happened?!" Nesbitt immediately demanded. "I knew you shouldn't go out in this!"
"I had to get that medicine for Gansley, but unfortunately I hit some ice and now the car is stuck in a snowbank," Lector told him. "I'm not hurt, but I can't get the car out."
"Do you know where you are?" Nesbitt asked.
"Somewhere near downtown," Lector said. "I saw Mr. Thorton's antique shop up the street."
"I'll be right there," Nesbitt promised him. "Keep warm until I get there!"
"I will do what I can," Lector said.
He hung up, shaking. He hadn't mentioned his bizarre experience at all. That was hardly the sort of thing he wanted to say on the phone, and it had all been so brief that he had to wonder whether it had really happened at all. Maybe, since he had blacked out, it had been a dream.
If it had been real, why? He didn't seem to be badly hurt. What on Earth could have caused him to astral-project?
He looked around, shivering as he pulled his coat close. Then the realization dawned and he paled. He couldn't see the antique shop from where he was sitting. He could have only seen it from above the car.
He groaned, pulling his fedora hat low over his eyes. "Lord, have mercy," he whispered.
Nesbitt pulled up within ten minutes in his powerful truck and hurried over to the driver's side window. When he knocked, Lector gratefully opened the door and stumbled out, bringing the sack from the pharmacy with him.
"Are you hurt?" Nesbitt demanded.
"No, I'm fine," Lector insisted. "Just very cold."
"You look pale," Nesbitt immediately proclaimed. "And . . . hey!" He stared at the surrounding area. "This is the right street, but I don't see the antique shop from here. How did you see it?!"
Lector shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it right now," he said. "Can we just get out of here?"
"Fine," Nesbitt grunted. "Tomorrow I'll call a tow and have them haul your car out. Meanwhile, Crump sent this with me." He held out a warm throw he had brought with him and draped it around Lector's shoulders.
"Thank you," Lector said quietly as he pulled it closer.
Nesbitt nodded in concern.
Lector didn't feel like speaking about what had happened to him until they were home, Gansley had been given the priceless medicine, and Lector had had a chance to warm up in front of the fire. Then, as he stared into the blaze, he finally felt able to share the experience.
"Nesbitt," he said slowly, "the way I saw the antique shop. . . . When the car hit the snowbank, I apparently left my body for a moment. I was up above the car and I saw the antique shop up the street then. . . ."
"What?!" Nesbitt yelled. He leaped up from the other couch and hurried over to Lector. "You said you weren't hurt!"
"I don't seem to be," Lector said. "That's why I couldn't understand why such a thing happened to me. I wouldn't have known where I was if it hadn't happened, I suppose . . . but I could have easily gotten out of the car and walked around a bit. . . ."
"Supernatural things never make sense," Nesbitt growled. "But you're safe. That's the important thing." He sat down next to Lector and gruffly hugged him close with one arm. "And you got the medicine for Gansley, so he's going to be alright too."
Lector finally smiled and leaned back into Nesbitt's embrace. As warm as the fire was, his friend's hug was warmer still. And knowing Gansley would recover made the entire frightening experience worth it all the way.