Title: Skin to Soul, Aflame
Day/Theme: September 8 / the wild purple of the glowering sun
Series: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disneyverse)
Character/Pairing: Frollo-->Esmerelda
Rating: PG
It is after the festival that he begins to see her everywhere.
A passing dark-haired girl on the street suddenly becomes a gypsy. A breath of wind carries her strong, sensual scent his way, whenever it blows or blows toward him. And any cry of defiance he hears is hers automatically (must be) and at the sound, he can all but feel her eyes so full of scorn upon him.
One day, when the evening bells have since faded away into the heavy, humid air, he turns his face to the sky, where the last traces of the sun's light are slipping away, like sand in an hourglass, like her hair through his fingers.
And there, in the clouds of grey and orange and lavender, is her face, out for all the world to see and for him to never touch.
The wind blows, in passing, and she dances in the sky.
He doesn't ever want to look away, and for that, he nearly hates himself.
That night, he closes every window in the church and lights a fire.