Title: Bedding Against Her
2-Nov-2006 "animal presence"
Based on:
Fruits Basket
Characters: The Gang Of Four
Type: Humor; 100 words
Warnings: (Male) nudity and mild adult humor.
Fruits Basket © Natsuki Takaya / KAKUSENSHA - TV Tokyo - NAS - Furuba Project / FUNimation Productions, Ltd.
Tohru awoke in the night. It was very cold outside, and rather cold in her room, and yet, she felt wonderfully warm. She realized that a transformed Yuki, Kyou and Shigure were snuggled up against her.
They must have transformed under stress from the cold, Tohru thought, and then they instinctively looked for a warm place while they were half-asleep. Well, that's alright, as long as-
*POUF*!! As if on cue, the animals transformed back. Tohru suddenly found herself under a pile of naked Sohmas.
Tohru was so embarrassed that it took her approximately seventeen seconds to remember to scream.