I would like the opinion of anyone who reads this... And would take the time to comment of course...
We have some guests here in Texas that we've taken in due to the destruction in New Orleans and the Katrina-affected area in general.
My understanding is that many of these people are ungrateful, stinking pieces of shit who would have been better off dying than coming here.
That said I would like to focus on the negative reports in relation to the hospitality that this great state and other states are offering.
Example: There's a hotel in Carrollton that is hosting two floors worth of "refuges" or "evacuees" or "freeloaders" whatever you want to call them. The staff refuses to serve them because:
A. They're rude and abusive and...
B. They're tearing up the hotel. Wanton destruction.
That aside, I have heard that people who have opened their homes in Louisiana were robbed... blind.
I heard someone say (yes, he's black, gee... what a surprise) that the people in New Orleans (yes the black people, and only the black people) have the RIGHT to loot.
The. Right. To. Loot.
Why you ask? Oh, its elementary, dear Watson... Because they pay taxes of course!
Well there are two fallacies related to your flawed reasoning, my dim-witted, colored companion.
First and foremost paying taxes does not render the liberty of looting or committing any other crime. Even if you do think somethings owed to you! Which it is not! ..|..
Dare I say you're a fucking dipshit? I suppose I could. I've said worse... Oh why the hell not?
Fucking dipshit. Wow... That feels better. Like after you take a long, acidic shit. Feels fucking great.
Anyway (this is my second point), I doubt many of those looters ever paid taxes. I, for one, think they were sucking on the government's proverbial teat. That's right, people. I said it. Tit-sucking welfare jockeys, a rag-tag slag of scum that aren't fit to walk this earth.
And that's not to demean people on welfare by any means...
I lied. It is to demean people on welfare, but only a specific group of people who expect the government to support them when they could TRY to do it themselves... But refuse.
I know these thoughts are somewhat disjointed, but I would also like to address the fact that someone said on Interdictor's LJ that being black in America meant you were poor...
Now blacks make up roughly 12.5% of the population here in America. And about 12% of the population in the U.S. is below the poverty line... So you're telling me that 96% of all blacks in America fall below the poverty line? And that there are no poor hispanics, asians, or whites? *claps*
Dare I say it again? Oh my, twice in one night?
Here it goes... Fucking dipshit...
*sigh* Oh, man... I think I just got wood.
So now the question is this... What do you say or do to ungrateful swine who poison your community and how do you respond when they decide they're going to make your town or city their new home?
These aren't the questions I want people to respond to necessarily. Just my thoughts in general.
Thank you for your time. Let the flaming begin!
PLEASE NOTE: These are my thoughts. Some people were confused and thought this was an article... Or some such. No. Just no.