A lovely trip to the Emergency Room!
I swear, if I knew what my mom went through during pregnancy and postpartem recovery, I might not have been such a brat.
This gets gorey, not for the squeamish! I'll leave out the disgusting details.
I'd been bleeding pretty heavily for several days, but that happens when you have just had a baby, right? Saturday had an episode where I passed some huge bloodclots. It stopped. I woke up twice Sunday morning with more bleeding and bigger clots. Clots of a size that should come out of no human. The second time that morning it wouldn't stop! I was getting dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous. It looked like Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the bathroom. I called Gary in to help me clean up (luckily blood in any quantity doesn't make him squeamish) when I started to feel dizzy. I got in the shower and it felt like I stood up too fast except the blackness lasted much longer. I found myself being lowered to a lying position in the shower by Gary. He called the ER which was useless. They told us to call the nurse hotline. We ended up in the ER where they pulled blood for iron tests and such. They were talking about giving me a freaking BLOOD TRANSFUSION. The doc said he guessed my iron was really low because I had little colour. By that time several hours had passed and I had not had water or food since the night before, so that didn't help. Blood tests came back and showed that my iron level was just over the line with one foot on the normal side so we avoided a transfusion. My luck I would have caught West Nile from that anyway. So I just got an IV drip to help rehydrate my body and we were on our way. They couldn't figure out why it happened. I haven't been overexerting myself. I eat healthier than ever and I was super fit before I got pregnant. They concluded that laying down made blood coagulate and come out when I stood up....well, yeah. So I feel much better today and hope it was a one time thing.
On the baby front, she is growing so fast! She actually fits into newborn clothing and many of her cloth diapers now. Cloth is the way to go. We still have to use disposables at night until she grows into more of her diaper stash but between breastfeedubg and cloth diapers we haven't noticed a huge change in the money we spend. Granted, it has only been a month.
She is making new sounds everyday and has started smiling at us! I absolutely melt. She's still the gas meister which makes her grouchy and fussy but that seems to be coming under control somewhat. Fun stuff!