Love me!!

Oct 16, 2005 21:40

If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, EVEN IF I'VE NEVER MET YOU, please reply with a memory of me. It can be anything you want - good or bad, just as long as it happened.

Then post this up yourself and see what people remember about you

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Comments 19

maelin October 20 2005, 12:02:56 UTC
Fairly recent, I remember when we fried up all kinds of shit that we thought would taste good, making a dish that looked like a bathroom disaster but tasted like a bathroom miracle, while we were at Jules' place. And then you ended up doing most of the dishes.


35nightmares October 20 2005, 13:23:19 UTC
that's because i was the only one there capable of doing the dishes :P

bathroom miracle eh? yes, yes, i can see how that would work


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