op. second app.

Dec 01, 2010 17:13

the player ;;

NAME: miley cyrus.
AGE: eighteen.
CONTACT: no. stalkers.
HOW DID YOU FIND US? east northumberland high.

the character ;;


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& I just wanted to share that flawless performance with you.

NAME: Brian Dales.
AGE: 21.

Interviewer: "Hello, Thank you for taking the time to come talk to us."

Brian: "No problem."

I: "So, why don't you start by introducing yourself and talking a little bit about your band?"

B: "Sure, I'm Brian Dales and I sing in a band called The Summer Set. We're from Arizona and we started the band the beginning of my senior year. I finished high school and right after that we started touring. It's been crazy ever since."

I: "What do you want to accomplish in the next year?"

B: "I want to keep touring for as long as possible. That's how we make our money and gain our fans, so the longer we can do this, the better off we'll be."

I: "Is there anything you miss while on the road?"

B: "Of course. I miss my family and friends that I have back home, but I've also gotten the opportunity to meet a lot of cool people through being in this band, and I think that's been great. It's a situation where the good outweighs the bad."

I: "Anyone special you've met? Any girls?"

B: "Well... I mean... There's no one right now, no."

I: "Your song, Chelsea, that was about Chelsea Staub, and it was rumored that you two dated. What happened to that?"

B: "I guess it was just one of those things that didn't go as planned. I was on the road a lot, and she was filming a TV show so things were kind of crazy in both of our lives. It's not as interesting as people seem to think."

I: "We'll go back to talking about you, then."

B: "Thank you."

I: "What were you like in high school?"

B: "I was that kid. I played, like, four sports and was friends with everyone. I was homecoming king... Yeah."

I: "What's the craziest thing you've ever done?"

B: "The band and I, we always seem to get into a lot of crazy situations. We're like kids sometimes and don't really think about the consequences of our actions. Once I jumped off the stage and broke my ankle. I didn't expect that one."

I: "Was it in the middle of a tour?"

B: "Yeah, and I didn't miss one show. Played the show the next night sitting. But still played!"

I: "What makes you want to do what you do?"

B: "Oh, definitely the fans. We make a point to come out after every show because we know how much it means to them. We're not sure why, because we're not that cool, we're actually kind of dumb, but for whatever reason, they're really dedicated, and it means a lot."

I: "What is your guilty pleasure?"

B: "I guess, uh, Taylor Swift is one, but that's not so guilty. I kind of, I watch a lot of movies that would be considered chick flicks. Like just recently I saw Love and Other Drugs... No one goes with me. I need a girlfriend for that."

I: "And finally, name three things you love and three things you hate."

B: "Three things I love... Well, um, the basics would of course be friends and family and the for the third thing I'd have to go with Mexican food. And three things I hate; ice cream, mean people, and anyone who hasn't bought out album yet... No, I'm just kidding. I don't hate you. But, I mean, why haven't you gotten it yet? No excuses."

I: "Well, thank you for coming!"

B: "No problem man, anytime."

RP EXAMPLE: (this might suck, i didn't really feel like writing it but MEH here it is anyway~)

"Thanks again Boston! You guys were awesome!" Brian exclaimed into the microphone before running offstage with the rest of the band. Every night where he made it through the set without forgetting what city they were playing with was a success in his eyes. They had been touring so much lately he was overtired a lot and had a tendency to get through shows on adrenaline highs and crash after. It was a miracle he even remembered the words to his songs sometimes. He hadn't made any huge mistakes on this tour yet and for that he was thankful, considering he could be a perfectionist when it came to his performances and he would obsess over one mistake for hours afterward.

Grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge backstage of the venue, Brian took it with him into the bathroom where he took a quick shower, his normal routine after shows. He couldn't stand it if he had to go out and meet fans still smelling like sweat. So once he was clean and in new clothes, he grabbed his drink and walked outside where a crowd of people had formed, heading toward a small group of them and making his way to everyone else. He made sure that they all got a picture and an autograph, because he knew that the one person he missed would make a huge deal out of it and he didn't want to make them that upset. When he had talked to every person and was practically being pulled back onto the bus with their manager who was telling him that they needed to leave right now, he disappeared from view of the fans and back with his band mates.

"Crazy show, huh?" he asked, waiting for a response from them before getting into his bunk. The post show high was about to wear off and he was going to crash, so he was prepared.


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