the player ;;
NAME: Chandni
CONTACT: diqoluz junus @ aim
the character ;;
NAME: Miley R. Cyrus
AGE: Eighteen
“People presume, people think they know who Miley is, but if I’m perfectly honest … I don’t even know who Miley is yet. It’s obvious with a lot of the mistakes that I’ve made that I’m still figuring myself out. I’m still young, still got so much to explore but a lot of people presume with my sudden change in image, sudden change in attitude that I’m trying to grow up, to become a different person, when really it’s not like that at all. In some context, I do have to agree that I am growing up, but not to the extent where I expect people to treat me like I’m a completely different person. This process of changing up my style and taking a break from music is a learning curve for me; it might work, it might not. The press like to talk a lot of crap and over analyze situations and that’s sad because for young people within the business, like myself, it’s hard to be yourself without a million people judging you. Obviously I try not to listen to it, but it’s just like anything, whether you’re in school or working, there’s always going to be rumors that aren’t true and make you angry and people don’t care what’s fact and fiction - they believe whatever the most exciting version of the story is.
I’m still figuring myself out and it’s frustrating having everybody watching me. Hannah Montana gave me a great start and I’m so thankful for it, but it’s hard to get people to realise (and especially to the parents of the kids who watch the show) that I’m not thirteen anymore, I’m a legal adult and I can do what I like. I didn’t ask to be a role model and as much as a pleasure it is to be considered one, I don’t like being held liable for other people’s actions. I’m not perfect, I’m far from it, but at the same time I’m a teenage girl who’s still making mistakes of her own. The pictures, the videos, they were the ‘normal’ side of Miley. It’s always been important to me to have a sense of normality and my relationships whether it’s with a guy or with my friends, are important to me and the only side of normal. I’m not going to apologize for taking pictures that were not meant for the whole world and I’m not going to apologize for trying something that I personally wanted to try, you know? That would be going against myself and that’s not healthy.
I guess by reading the past two paragraphs you probably have realised that I’m pretty passionate when it comes to feelings about the person I am and the things I do, but I have nothing to be ashamed about; if the majority of parents in America asked their kids whether they’ve tried a legal drug or if their daughters have taken photos for a guy, I can guarantee that most of them would have to admit that they have; just because I’m famous and I’ve worked for Disney in the past, I’m not allowed to try things out too? It’s kind of ridiculous in my eyes. It’s like, don’t judge if you don’t even notice what’s going on in you own home. I’m really passionate about many things in life, my career, my family, my friends and myself. As self centred as it sounds, I think it’s important to be confident in yourself, to be able to tell someone everything about yourself if they asked and to generally just be happy. Being passionate about yourself and your talents and personality can make you really happy. Being happy is pretty much the secret to life.
I’ve talked a lot about my family and my friends and so I might as well talk about them a little more. My parents, I adore them, I really do. There are different things that I talk to my mom about than to my dad (obviously) but I do definitely get on better with my mom. I feel like that because I’ve spent so much time with my dad, working on the show that it’s just nicer to be around my mom, it’s nice to have a conversation with someone that you didn’t spend the past five years of your life with you know? Although my parents are getting a divorce, I know for a fact they’ll still be friends. They adore each other to pieces, but for the sake of Noah, Braison, Brandi and I, they needed to split. I’m trying to see the positive in it, but in a lot of ways I think their divorce will bring our family unit closer together, because they won’t be arguing and stressed out as much and when we get together, it’ll be a much more zen atmosphere, something that I haven’t seen in the Cyrus house for a really long time. A lot of people said I looked upset and depressed when we released the statement about the divorce and well, of course I was sad, but I was expecting it; all of us minus Noah were but it’s for the best. My family will always be first priority in my life and I’m just looking forward to all of us getting stronger and getting closer together.
This brings me to friends. I’m no good with friends, I’m no good with boyfriends, I suck with relationships in general, no matter who they’re with. I’ll talk about the guy everyone’s dying for me to spill about, even though I’m still not sure why. Nick and I dated for two years, from when we were about 13 to about 15. We were so ridiculously young, it’s not even funny why people took our relationship so seriously. The most important thing to us both was just having fun and when we went on tour together, things were really good. I’m not even going to lie to you, the fact that the Jonas Brothers weren’t so well known yet was important to our relationship because it gave us both a lot of time to get time to know each other and have a decent relationship before tour started. As soon as tour came around, Nick was promoting a lot and I was busy working and things just got a bit nasty. It wasn’t fun, so we broke up. There is actually nothing more to it and it makes me laugh that people are so intent on us being together. I got really lucky, having such a great first boyfriend, but like a lot of relationships, there’s a start and there’s a beginning, but there was never and never will be any bad blood between Nick and I. I mean girls, look at him, he’s McDreamy, I gotta keep a friend like that. Ha, I kid, I kid, we don’t really talk as much as we used to but it’s because we’re both working all the friggin’ time, but I know that if I ever need someone, Nick’s got my back and I’ve got his. He was like the second person I called about my parents divorce, just because I needed someone to talk to. He’s a good listener and it’s important because I don’t have many friends that listen. A lot of my friends are just active people; all they like to do is be out there, have fun and many of them don’t really like long heart to heart conversations, so having Nick who’s not there all the time but someone who I can talk to about practically anything, is really important. I’ll always love him - even if we stopped talking. As for the reconnection while I was filming TLS, it was us trying to figure out if we’d ever be good together again, but a lot was coming up for me and a lot was coming up for Nick. I had TLS promotion and to be honest, this was around the time Liam came into the picture, but he had tour, although it was really good for our relationship to spend time again. If you asked me what my current stance on Nick is right now? I’d tell you that I’d really like to hang out with him again, because we were friends before we were anything else and to be honest, who knows what could happen in the future. As for Liam, I sucked all the way through that relationship. We began dating just after Nick and I tried to figure things out and it just sucked because I was constantly feeling like I had to choose between the two. Talking to your ex and trying to keep up a relationship with someone new when you know you sort of have some kind of feelings for your ex kind of sucks and I think Liam got a bit sick of it after a while. It’s understandable. As for Gaston, he was a fame whore and that was a mistake.
If there’s one girl that I miss hanging out with, it’s gotta be Demi. I regret not spending as much time with her, but when you’re as busy as we both are, it’s just hard. You have to make friends with the people that are in the place where you are, and Demi and I aren’t always in the same place, but you know we talk and we hang out a lot; but now that she’s out of the institution, I’m definitely going to get more in touch with her. I was so surprised, but genuinely so proud of her that she went off her own back and put herself into a place like that, but Demi’s always been such a responsible and headstrong girl that I was so happy that she was getting help to figure herself out. The press has always made out that Demi, Selena and I are in this huge feud / cat fight and we hate each other, but it’s really nothing like that. I gotta admit that I am better friends with Demi, but I have no problems with Selena at all. She’s doing really well for herself and I’m happy for her. If we ever came across each other, I’d be more than happy to talk to her and hang out with her, because I feel like it’d do good for all of us to be connected in more ways than just Disney. I love how people forget that Selena actually appeared on Hannah and I knew her long before Wizards, so we’ve always been in contact in one way or another, it’s just scheduling. Just because I’m not seen with a person, doesn’t mean we’re not friends.
As for my position in life right now, I’m happy. I’m single, focusing on my movies, hanging out with friends and family and generally just calming down. Four five years I was working non-stop, and obviously I do want to continue working, but not at the pace I was before. So much is going on in my head with my family and friends and with stuff that’s been released in the press, that I just want to take time to figure out Miley and be who I want to be. I’m tired of the judging; if I could I’d fly back to Nashville in a heartbeat, just to take a break. This is what I’m planning on doing in 2011, calming down and taking a break.
Isabelle watched Nick’s eyes fall to her pocket and for a moment, an expression of confusing came across her. Why was Nick looking at or referring to her pocket? It was just as she was about to ask, that she remembered she had her list of people to buy for on there. “Ah, yes. Aspen.” She nodded pulling out her list, flicking her eyes over the list, she was really the most important person it was to get a gift for; seeing as Isabelle’s family had already exchanged Hanukkah gifts, Christmas ones were just extras, nothing extremely important. “She’s practically the only other person that I need to get a gift for, I’ve done your family and I’ve done my parents, that’s all there is really.” They walked through the mall together, Isabelle shoving the list back in her pocket and looking around at everyone else rushing past. “One reason I hate Christmas shopping, everyone’s so angsty and eager to get the right gifts. I hate the pressure,” She shivered a little, “It’s nasty.”
She nudged Nick who’s attention seemed to be elsewhere as she noticed a Toys R Us. “Come on, let’s go. I should have really got Aspen’s gift when I picked up Joe’s from here,” She laughed a little pushing her way through the barrier before waiting for Nick to do the same. She pointed out a walking talking Barney before nodding. “Yep, I totally went there. He’s going to kill me.” She wandered down the the first aisle, before deciding the best way to go was towards the more feminine part of the store. “I know, let’s just head down to where all the peeing babies are, I think she might like one of those. Don’t know if she has one.” Isabelle muttered to herself, pulling Nick into an aisle submerged in rose colored toys. She briefly scanned all the different colored dolls before picking up one of the most expensive. “Ooh, this one even talks.” She said, pushing its hand before it began to cry. Isabelle wasn’t aware that these plastic babies liked to scream their heads off, so in surprise she accidentally dropped it, burst out laughing and grabbed ahold of Nick … you know, just in case. “Oh my gosh!” She squealed slightly hiding her face in shame in his arm, “Everyone’s staring, I didn’t know it would do that.” Isabelle felt silly for grabbing ahold of Nick, but she was 95.5% sure he was laughing at her, so it wasn’t her main concern at this moment in time.
As soon as the crying stopped, Isabelle glanced around the aisle and to her satisfaction nobody was staring. She picked up the doll from the floor and shoved it back into the shelf, before picking a different, cheaper one which didn’t make any noise. “This one seems safer, so I don’t get any surprises when I try to wrap it up.” She nodded, picking it up and holding it as they wandered down the aisle. Isabelle’s face was still very flustered and red from the previous debacle and she was pretty sure Nick had never seen her like that. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry I had to put you through that. Just me and babies and crying and surprises ….” She paused taking the time to breathe and shake her head. “Well they never really turn out so well.” She daren’t look up at him, her face was already red enough and looking over at Nick’s expression would probably just make her blush even more. Isabelle stopped seeing a whole section dediacated to accessories for the dolls. She looked down, “Well this one pees, so I might as well get it some diapers.” She picked up a pack of four and read the back, “Look at how cute these are Nick,” She smirked still not making full eye contact as she waved them about in front of his face, before letting out another laugh. “Alright, alright I’m done. Let’s go pay.” She nodded.