* Got Up At 8:00
* Got Ready
* Called AEP To Get Our Power Turned On
* Went To The Bank
* Bought Bed
* Bought Lving Room Suit
* Paid My Insurance
* Picked Up Redi-Mart Check
* Paid Deposit on AEP
* Got Check Cashed
* Bought Washer & Dryer
* Spent Tons Of Time In Wal-Mart
* Went To Wendy's
*Came Here
* Took A Nap
* Talked To Brooke About The
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Comments 20
It doesn't seem to be working does it!
haha. Too bad I'm smarter than you bitch.
If you can see I just fix it everytime, so your just fucking wasting your time when you go and ban me. You're also wasting my time because I have to fucking go back and unban me.
Damn. Get a fucking brain.
A skank is a person who is NASTY (ya know, doesn't bath, wears nasty clothes, has nasty curly ate up hair, and pimples all over their face).
A whore is a person that fucks anything that walks!
Oh my! That sure doesn't describe us, that describes Crystal Collins. I dare you ask her how many people she has fucked. She won't even be able to count on all 10 fingers and all ten toes.
Actually, I'm pretty mature. But since the chunky gut lesbian likes to her run her fucking mouth on me I'll just run mine right back. She's going to learn that she doesn't run her mouth on me, I'll stomp a mud hole in her wide ass. Bitch.
And jealous. What the fuck do I have to be jealous about?
Crystal is huge.
Odessa is skinny.
Crystal has a covered pimple face everyday.
Odessa's face gets pimples when she is about to rag. But only one or two.
Crystal has curly, greasy skank hair.
Odessa's hair is straight and non greasy.
Crystal has a bigger belly than she does tits.
Odessa has bigger tits than she does belly.
Crystal dresses like a homeless prostitue.
Odessa wears nothing but name brand clothes. One pair of my jeans costs more than Crystal's entire wardrobe.
Crystal is a slut.
Odessa doesn't have sex with every guy she meets. Only a couple has seen her precious vagina.
Crystal likes pussy...her sisters pussy the best.
Odessa thinks dykes are going to hell.
Woah! Looks like I have nothing to be jealous of!
I can't wait til u whip her ass!
But that's okay, you're day is coming and you WON'T be able to run.
First of all bitch, don't sit there and tell me who's business I can and can not get into..you're not my fucking boss.
Second of all, I think you need to take some more English classes because your dumb fucking ass hardly made any sense to me.
For your information Amber never fucked anyone else while she was with Mark. You're getting her confused with the slutty ass Crystal. She is the one out fucking anyone that walks. She's prolly ate up with every disease you could think of.
And if you knew ANYTHING about me you would know that I have a fiance, who I have been with for 3 years. That should show you that "someone wants my eat up (which should be ate up) looking ass" haha. Sorry about you're luck dumb bitch, but I out smart you all once again!
1. Greasy Ass Hair, kinda looks like pubes.
2. A brother who is a FAG and is NASTY just like her!
3. Has a "Twin" her mother.. who is 500 lbs of total shit.
5. Hits about 300 on the scales. (If a her family couldn't afford food anymore, they could eat for weeks)
7. Every STD known to mankind.
8. A dream.. To get a life time supply of Ho-Ho's.
9. A serious problem, she needs help.
10. A goal, to be able to say that she has fucked everyone in Knott County.
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