{OOC} Memes & Miscellaneous

Feb 13, 2010 15:49

.General Info.
Full name: Tifa Lockhart
Name they go by: Tifa
Aliases: Tits McGee
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single goddamnit

Birthdate: May 03
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Bloodtype: B

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 124 lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Fair
Physical traits: Athletic build; scar across her chest; long hair that flips out like a dolphin tail at the end.
Medical Info: Healhty

Dress (style, colors): Tifa and mini-skirts are inseparable. She wears a short white shirt, suspenders to keep her girl in check, and chunky boots/sneakers that will leave quite the nasty mark when she kicks. And her gloves, of course.

.Personality Traits.
Basic nature: Quiet; maternal
Mannerisms: She frequently rests her wrists on her hips; tests the flexibility of her gloves by wriggly her fingers and squeezing her hands into fists.
Body Language: Confident; open for motherly support if someone needs it.

Dominant character traits: Quiet; confident; maternal
Likeable traits: Motherly; protective; confident
Annoying traits: Unwilling to open herself up and express her feelings.

Laugh: A light titter when she can help it; a loud bark when she can't.
Sense of humour: It's hard to figure out whether or not she's trolling with that innocent expression and smile.
Temper: Her temper is like many who keep things bottled up until they simply erupt. Her anger usually comes in quick snaps that she usually regrets after she says them.

Ambitions: To build a functional family.
Philosophy of life:

Alignment: Neutral Good
Arcana: The Empress
Kinsey rating: 1

Sun sign: Taurus
Decanate: Mercury/Moon/Saturn
Moon sign:
Introvert/extrovert: Introvert
Intuitive/reasoning: She has moments of both.
Optimist/pessimist: Optimistic
Tense/relaxed: Outwardly, she always seems to be on top of everything and relaxed, though inwardly that is not always the case.
Serious/carefree: See above.

.Skills, Interests & Habits.
Abilities: Martial arts, kickboxing, judo
Talents: Arm wrestling, brewer

Educational background:
Best subject:
Worst subject:

Cooking: Does beer count?
Musical talents: Piano

Description of bedroom: Sparse and dark
Does he/she make his/her own bed?: Yes
Scents: Musty with a side of cigarette smoke.

Daily rituals: Checking on her children, calling Cloud, getting her bar ready for customers, cleaning up after it's closed.
Spends money on: Shot glasses since they get stolen alot, food, basic necessities for her family.
Favorite Haunts:

Currently Wants: A quiet life
Current Occupation: Bartender
Current Residence: Seventh Heaven in Edge
Random trivia:

Love interest(s): Cloud
Lust interest(s): Zack, Rude
Close friends: Barret, Red XIII
Other friends: Cid, Vincent, Yuffie
Acquaintances: the Turks
Enemies and why: Rufus - she is not letting him off the hook so easily.
Family: Marlene, Denzel

.Likes & Dislikes.
Favourite food:
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite movies:
Favourite books:
Favourite music: Classical
Favourite animal: Red XIII
Favourite weather: A calm, cloudy day
Favourite sport/physical activity: Arm wrestling, boxing
Favourite date spot:
Preferred type: Dependable

Disliked food: Onions
Disliked colour: Green
Disliked movies:
Disliked books:
Disliked music:
Disliked animal:
Disliked weather: A hot sunny day
Disliked sport/physical activity:
Disliked date spot: Seventh Heaven
Disliked type: Immature, arrogant

What is your earliest memory?
◘ My mother playing the piano.

What was your biggest disillusion as a child?
◘ Knowing that my mother was never coming back.

What's one thing no one knows about you?

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true?
◘ That I'm happy.

What's one thing you wish you could stop?
◘ Denzel's illness.

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
◘ Strangle Rufus

What are you a sucker for?
◘ A good beer and a burger.

What's your biggest pet peeve?
◘ Blatant arrogance

What is your most prized possession?
◘ Was my mom's piano, but now.... probably my new bar that we all built together.

What can absolutely make your day, no matter what?
◘ A visit from Cloud

What's the worst part of your life right now?
◘ Feeling alone and watching the person I love move further away form me

Do you have or want children?
◘ I take care of two kids, but they aren't technically mine. I'd like to have children, but I enjoy simply adopting children who need someone's help.

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them?
◘ How to defend themselves and how to play piano. This world is terrible enough, they need an outlet for peace and happiness.

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best?
◘ "You need to be strong now."

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?'
◘ After my "experience" with Nibelheim at 15.

How do you feel about sex?
◘ ......... I'm not sure. I... don't really think about it much. If I was with the person I love, I would have no hang ups, but... I have no interest in sleeping around.

Describe your ideal significant other.
◘ I'm tired of being strong all the time, I want someone to protect me, someone I can depend on.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness?
◘ I spend time with my friends. If that's not an option, I usually clean my bar.

How do you think of yourself?
◘ I'm......... hmmmm....

How do your friends think of you?
◘ Confident, I think. Supportive and always there to help...

How do your enemies think of you?
◘ Eh, well, haha... I suppose they are surprised to see a woman so gung ho for battle, but that probably doesn't last long once I sock 'em one.

Who is your biggest role model?
◘ .... Probably Zangan. He gave me the tools to defend myself and boost my confidence after my mom died.

What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
◘ Saving the world, I guess?

What has been your most humbling experience to date?
◘ Aerith's death....

What will it take for you to die happy?
◘ Being forgiven for my sins....

What would you rather be doing right now?
◘ I dunno... I'm--I enjoy being a bartender, I enjoy being a mother....


Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive:
Can I spit at/step on/etc?: If you want to be digesting your teeth...
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Uhh hugging is fine, I guess. But kissing.... yyeah let's keep it to just hugging please.
Maim/Murder/Death: >(

The Character Expression Meme
Character: Tifa Lockhart
Journal: 36_24_35  
RPG: damned






.sympathy..evil..innocent..in love.



Snag yourself the coding here.

meme, ooc

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