
Oct 25, 2007 10:08

Oh god there's a reason I never come to this class. This is so painful. Please kill me. I came to take a test. I've passed out twice, studied my notes over and over, and even attempted to listen to his horrible, horrible Engrish. I know you're trying to say God-Head, but when it comes out "Goat Head" and you keep saying "Sauce" instead of source I ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

funky_monk_56 October 25 2007, 14:30:45 UTC
instead of welcoming death why dont u just kill him? it would be alot easier and ud be alot happier. - God


37trogdors October 25 2007, 18:44:26 UTC
I wish death upon him in every waking hour. He has eluded every attempt so far in bumbling, Jackie Chan-esque action sequences.

Also I'm fairly certain he is a robot.


funky_monk_56 October 25 2007, 22:04:48 UTC
Well he'd be fucked if he was a zombie, cause we go to ur house when the zombie hordes come.

regardless if hes a robot, you shouldnt care because your part of tenacious d and you reign. REIGN!

Like a burrito supreme,
and a chicken supreme,
and a cutlass supreme,



thatgreekgirl October 26 2007, 14:57:30 UTC
You poor thing, hope you got some rest after I saw you!


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