OOC: App

Jun 07, 2009 23:55

Name: Geoffrey
LJ: gonsai
E-Mail: theimmoralflame@gmail.com
IM: gonsai fong
Characters played at Discedo: Testament (7th_warrant), Vanilla Ice (the_icey_void), Tir McDohl (tenkai_soul), Lucca Ashtear (daddyslilpyro)

Character's Name: Joseph Joestar
Series: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Timeline: Shortly after the end of Battle Tendency
Canon Resource Link: Wikipedia Article

Personality: Joseph is impulsive, hot headed, and arrogant. That being said, he's also a friendly and outgoing guy whose always willing to help, but not always so willing to take orders. He often backtalks authority figures and will get into fights over nothing. And even in battle, he is self-assured to the point where he will predict his opponents next words in order to psyche them out, pretending as if he's telepathic (in reality, he's just really good at predicting flow of conversation). Still, he can be focused when he needs to be, and has a heroic streak a mile long.

What your character can offer: Joseph's main ability is a special martial art called the Ripple, or Hamon. Using unique stances and breathing patterns, he can channel the energy of the sun with his own life force into devestating attacks or enhancements of his own ability. This power can be used with objects as well, turning just about anything from soda caps to bola crackers into weapons. The most powerful application of this is the Hamon Overdrive, which allows for the energy built up by the Hamon to be released in larger amounts than usual, leading to particularly destructive attacks.

It should be noted that the Hamon techniques were invented to fight vampires, and because of their solar based power, will be several times more effective on their kind.

Beyond the Hamon, he is skilled in most athletics, and actually is exceptionally flexible for as muscular as he is. He also seems to know several stage magic tricks and sleight of hand manuevers. He uses this in combat, but mostly in hustling other people. He also has generally excellent dexterity, capable of making complex motions very quickly without fumbling.

What items will they be bringing with them? Joseph will have a few things he will have on his person upon arrival:

- The "Jojo" Crackers, as he call them. Its actually just a normal bola cracker with his initials carved into the balls.
- Caesar Zeppeli's headband
- A deck of playing cards
- A beat up Superman comic book.

ooc, application

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