Like Pearl Onions before Swine by
rivers_bend. Sam/Jess. PG. Supernatural.
Summary: Jess asks Sam about his Thanksgiving traditions.
Dreamers by
rivers_bend. Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay. R. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: Willow and Tara have combined powers to move a vending machine, and end up thinking about each other. Set in Series 4.
A Just Cause by
smilla02. Victor Henriksen. PG. Supernatural.
Summary: It's good luck that saves him. Nothing more. He turns around to look at the little girl thinking it's weird seeing a child in a police station.
The Sign by
dodger_winslow. Pastor Jim, Dean, John, and implied Sam, YED, and Mary. Gen. Pre-series, pre-Stanford. Supernatural.
Summary: Jim was awake suddenly. Coldly, frighteningly awake. He opened his eyes, sat up in bed. "Dean? What is it? Is your dad okay?
Phoenix by
ligia_elena. Bianca, Lynn, Wyatt Halliwell. Gen, PG. Charmed.
Summary: In the changed future, Bianca lives on -- and must still choose between evil and good, between her heritage and a new path.