Not Just For Girls by
discordia_intus. Sam/Jess. PG-13. Pre-series, Stanford era.
Prompt: Sam/Jess, chick-flicks
Legacy by
laughtersmelody. Samuel Campell, Azazel, Dean Winchester. PG-13.
Summary: Samuel Campbell’s last thoughts are of his family’s legacy.
Full Circle by
laughtersmelody. John Winchester, Dean Winchester. Gen.
Summary: John will shake his head later and wonder why he didn't see it before.
Falling Down by
shay_renoylds. Sam/Dean, implied Sam/Jess. Hard R. Implied non-con.
Summary: Sometimes credit fraud isn't as easy as it pretends to be, and the brothers are stuck living with the job for a while. When Sam attempts to get rid of the hauntings himself things don't go quite as planned.
Insufficient Data by ? Sam/Jess, Sam/not-Jess, Sam/Dean. NC-17. Non-con.
Summary: Jess may be dead, but there's plenty of people that never stopped.
I’ve Got a Fever, and the Only Prescription is MORE COWBELL by
malcolm_stjay. PG.
Summary: Sam is sick. Dean is Dean.
I've Got a Fever (the Demon's Got My Contract Remix) by ? Sam/Dean, OFC, YED. R.
Summary: Sometimes being an immortal sucks. Especially if you're trying to kill Sam Winchester via common cold.