I've said it before, but it bears repeating. The internet is HUGE. *hears echoes* I can't possibly reach everyone that there is to reach, so I've exempt myself from reaching anyone but my own friends list. It seems fair enough, I've definitely seen the fandom spread evening out over the challenges.
So. Once again, I need your help!
In order to help foster a diverse, multifandom comm we need to pimp this comm to as many places as possible.
There are two ways we can help achieve that.
1. Pimp this community on your own friends list.
2. Volunteer a fandom and a community in the comments of this post that you are going to specifically pimp to. Please note any community rules involved in pimping new communities. I will repeat DO NOT BREAK FAQ RULES.
i.e. If you want to post to the
sga_noticeboard, you would check the rules and note that this community doesn't quite meet the requirements. However, you might try and contact the mod and ask for an exception because the 10 posts rule would take nearly a year to reach.
You can choose when to pimp, though as someone brought up, it might be more affective to do so after I announce the challenge, which considering my sleeping patterns, will be pretty early Friday Morning.
Alternatively, if you're feeling shy and have some sort of understanding of photoshop, I would greatly appreciate some 'pimping icons' or 'pimping banners'.I've said it before, but it bears repeating. The internet is HUGE. *hears echoes* I can't possibly reach everyone that there is to reach, so I've exempt myself from reaching anyone but my own friends list. It seems fair enough.
So, claim your fandoms! Claim your section of fandoms! If you want your ship or your show to participate, let them know. Everyone is welcome. Just comment with the community you want to claim for pimping purposes here.